Why are my cichlids turning pale?

Why are my cichlids turning pale?

Cichlids turning white are oftentimes an indication of stress. Other known factors can be shyness, illness, or preparation for breeding. It may also be possible that your Cichlid is becoming weaker due to old age. Depending on their cause, some of these changes are only temporary.

Why is my yellow cichlid turning black?

the black bars are just a genetic trait the particular fish has inherited. many of the lions cove yellow labs were line bred to rid them of those bars, but this trait will always be around. if , however, the black trim is gone altogether, then fish could be a hybrid.

Why is my African cichlid changing colors?

In cichlid species with color polymorphism, some change their entire body color as reported here. For example, Maan et al. (2006) found that in N. omnicaeruleus yellow and blue males occur in the population and many of the yellow males change to blue when they become large enough to defend a territory in the wild.

Why is my peacock cichlid losing color?

Stressed fish often have faded colors or even display mottled coloration. For example, some species may be one color through sub-adulthood and transform to a different color when they reach the adult stage. This is common in peacock species (Aulonocara) and other utaka genera.

How long does it take for a peacock cichlid to reach full size?

From 2″ to 5″, it takes 4-5 months easily. From there it can take quite awhile to get a male to the 7-8″ full grown size. Mbuna do seem to grow much quicker than the haps and peacocks even when fed the exact same diet. Growth also depends of species.

How can you tell if a peacock cichlid is male or female?

The female Peacock Cichlids are usually not brightly colored like the male but in general they also exude beautiful varieties of colors that is characteristic of their species. The females of the fish usually appear a little smaller than the males although this may not be true with every female fish out there.

Are African cichlids active?

African cichlids are an extremely active group of fish, making them an aquarium favorite for viewing. They are more aggressive in general than other common tropical fish. Though there a ton of different African cichlid species confirmed in the wild, but far fewer are available as pets.

What is an OB peacock cichlid?

The OB Peacock Cichlid is a hybrid from the Aulonocara Species (Peacock Cichlid) from Lake Malawi. Like most species of African Cichlid the OB Peacock lives in small groups of a single male and a small group of females. They will lay claim to small piece of territory that provides them adequate feeding opportunities.

What kind of animal is a peacock cichlid?

Peacock Cichlid – Size, Types, Care, Tank Mates & Details! Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara) is a species of the Astatotilapia genus with as many as 22 special varieties found in nature. These species can be identified based on their elaborate pattern and color schemes.

Are there different types of peacock cichlids in Lake Malawi?

There are over twenty names types of peacock cichlids, and it’s no wonder every species is found in Lake Malawi, as this body of water is the world’s ninth-largest lake!

How can you tell the sex of a peacock cichlid?

Peacock Cichlids are a sexually dimorphic species. This means the males and females are entirely different from each other. As with many species, all across the animal kingdom, it can be difficult to determine the sex of the individual. Here are a few pointers to help you.

Why is my Peacock cichlid at the bottom of the tank?

Peacock cichlids can be subject to a fatal condition known as Malawi bloat, which is similar to dropsy and results from eating an excess of meaty foods. Symptoms of this issue include a lack of appetite, abdominal inflammation, labored respiration and the tendency to remain at the bottom of the tank.

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