Why do they play Sweet Caroline at football games?

Why do they play Sweet Caroline at football games?

Legend has it that someone first played “Sweet Caroline” during a game at Fenway Park in 1997, to celebrate the birth of a baby with that name. For a few years after that, the song was usually rolled out when fans were already in a good mood.

Why do they sing Sweet Caroline at Pitt?

Together, this group of students and staff concocted the idea to play “Sweet Caroline” at the end of the third quarter at home football games. Acierno thought “Sweet Caroline” was an appropriate option because the song lent itself to incorporating “Pitt-centric” terms.

Who has sung Sweet Caroline?

Neil Diamond
Sweet Caroline/Artists

When did Pitt adopt Sweet Caroline?

Hartman, a 2011 Pitt grad, loved the tradition so much that when he became a father in April 2018, the name for his new baby girl was an easy choice — Caroline.

How much money has Neil Diamond made from Sweet Caroline?

I mean you can’t beat a bit of ‘Sweet Caroline,’ can you?” said England coach Gareth Southgate. “That’s a belter, really.” According to music licensing expert Bridget Bloom of 401K Music, Neil Diamond stood to earn over $10 million dollars from ‘Sweet Caroline’ if England had won the Euro 2020.

Where does Sweet Caroline play at football games?

So, as Acierno’s assembled team had lunch at Hemingway’s, it was settled — ‘Sweet Caroline’ would play at the end of the third quarter at Pitt football games. The next challenge was making sure fans knew what was going on and would participate. Acierno’s team put together a YouTube video and passed it around to different student organizations.

Who was the final group to pick Sweet Caroline?

The final group that would eventually pick “Sweet Caroline” was made up of athletic department employees, members of Greek life, Student Government Board, the Panther Pitt and the Oakland Zoo. Once he had his team, Acierno asked them what songs got people the most excited on weekend nights in bars.

Who is the father of Sweet Caroline song?

But that name wouldn’t have any meaning without Acierno, a 2007 Pitt grad — the father of Pitt’s “Sweet Caroline” tradition, which he and a team of Pitt students and athletics employees created over lunch at Hemingway’s Cafe in the summer of 2008. “As I was thinking of different songs, I proposed ‘Sweet Caroline’ as one of them,” Acierno said.

Why did Corey Hartman name his daughter Sweet Caroline?

Corey Hartman never knew why “Sweet Caroline” started playing at Pitt football games, but he remembers thinking how cool it was, especially with the words “Let’s go Pitt” subbed for the “bomp-bomp-bom” in the chorus. It wasn’t until a couple years after he graduated that he decided if he ever had a daughter, he was going to name her Caroline.

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