How much is taxi from Chandigarh to Manali?

How much is taxi from Chandigarh to Manali?

Top Cabs Routes to Manali

Cab to Manali Included kms & Extra fare Cab Price
Gurgaon to Manali cabs 581 kms | 15h 09m (appx.) 581 kms included Extra fare ₹11/km after 581 kms ₹7480 onwards
Ambala to Manali cabs 334 kms | 10h 26m (appx.) 334 kms included Extra fare ₹16/km after 334 kms ₹4969 onwards

Is there Ola in Manali?

Re: Is Ola Uber services is available in Manali? No service available.

How is the road between Chandigarh to Manali?

Distance Between Chandigarh to Manali

Distance between Chandigarh to Manali by Road is 307 Kms
Travel Time from Chandigarh to Manali by Road is 6:33 hrs
Nearest Airport in Chandigarh Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.73, 76.78)
Nearest Airport in Manali Bhuntar (32.24, 77.19)

Is taxi available in Chandigarh?

Taxis in Chandigarh are readily available for hire. For booking Chandigarh cabs, you can make online cab booking through MakeMyTrip. You can book outstation cab, an airport cab, or a local cab.

Is it safe to drive from Chandigarh to Manali?

The highway is very good and there are very few bumps in the way to Manali. One problem that you might face is traffic congestion. There are times when it becomes impossible to move the vehicle for hours and so. Not sure, i travelled from Dharamshala to Manali!

Which month is best for Manali tour?

Best time to visit Manali

Travel Seasons Min/Max Temperature Season
March to June 10-25°C Summer – Comfortably warm
July to September 10-16 °C Monsoon – Heavy and torrential rainfall
October to February -1°C Winter – Chilly

Do you need a car in Manali?

Manali is a high-altitude Himalayan resort town that has a reputation as a backpacking centre and honeymoon destination. Quite known for its brilliant road connectivity and picturesque views, driving around in the comfort of a well-maintained car is the best way to explore this place.

Is driving to Manali safe?

One of the most dangerous roads to drive or ride is the Leh Manali Highway. As the name suggests, the said road connects Manali to Leh in Jammu and Kashmir. The road has a mountain range running in parallel that offers a scenic view but at the same time, make it dangerous to travel too.

Is Uber available in Chandigarh?

Complete your plans today by reserving a ride with Uber in Chandigarh. Request a ride up to 30 days in advance, at any time and on any day of the year.

Is Ola services available in Chandigarh?

OLA cabs entered Chandigarh in 2014 and the company has emerged as the number 1 cab service provider in Chandigarh within a few months.

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