Are sovtek tubes any good?

Are sovtek tubes any good?

KT88: The Sovtek KT88 sounds very good and is not expensive. I’ve had a couple of failures, but the tone makes up for it. The JJs are very reliable, a little more expensive, and sound pretty good. The Sovtek 5881 isn’t really a 5881 or a 6L6, but it’s still a great tube in its own right.

What tubes can replace EL34?

EL34, 6CA7 and KT77 are all drop-in replacement of each other. You can use 6CA7 or KT77 in place of EL34. Electrically, they are the same.

Are EL34 tubes good?

The Electro-Harmonix EL34 tubes are ideal for any amp; vintage or modern. They offer terrific sound without the cost. They also improve the performance of any type of amp. You’ll get a deep bass with a tight sound along with a defined mid-range.

Do EL34 tubes need to be biased?

The guitar community seems to be shrouded in the mystery that is tube amp bias and in a way, it’s probably for the best. Typical power amp valves are EL34, EL84, 6V6 and 6L6GC valves. Please note: We do NOT recommend that you attempt to bias your own amp. This should only be done by a trained amp tech.

Where are sovtek tubes made?

Saratov, Russia
Sovtek is a brand of vacuum tube owned by Mike Matthews’s New Sensor Corporation and manufactured in Saratov, Russia. They are often used in guitar amplification and include versions of the popular 12AX7, EL84, EL34, and 6L6.

What guitar amps use EL34 tubes?

The EL34 is found in many British guitar amps and is associated with the “British tone” (Vox, Marshall, Hiwatt, Orange) as compared to the 6L6 which is generally associated with the “American tone” (Fender/Mesa Boogie; the earlier classic Marshall “Plexi” amps used the KT66, a beam tetrode similar to the 6L6, as well).

What amps EL34 tube?

Common amps with EL34 tubes are:

  • Marshall 1959 “Plexi”
  • Marshall JCM 800.
  • Orange Rockerverb.
  • Hiwatt.

Are EL34 and 6CA7 interchangeable?

The EL34, KT77 and the 6CA7 are all interchangeable.

What is the difference between EL34 and EL84?

The EL34 is larger and it puts out two to three times the wattage as the EL84. More watts equals more volume, more headroom, and a better frequency response — even at low volumes. Lower bass frequencies require more power, and the higher wattage of the EL34 is better able to handle the full frequency spectrum.

Can I use 6l6 instead of EL34?

Assuming you have 1k screens and your sockets are wired for El34s like in a typical marshall yes you can run 6L6s. I can run 6l6, 6v6 El34 and KT88s successfully in my 50w plexi.

Who owns sovtek?

Mike Matthews’s New
Sovtek is a brand of vacuum tube owned by Mike Matthews’s New Sensor Corporation and manufactured in Saratov, Russia. They are often used in guitar amplification and include versions of the popular 12AX7, EL84, EL34, and 6L6. Many of the vacuum-tube amplifiers in modern production are factory-fitted with Sovtek valves.

Which is the best tube for the EL34 family?

This tube is to the EL34 family what the Tube Amp Doctor 6L6s are to that variant: a taste of the very best at an Everyman’s price. The Tung-Sol has no obvious shortcomings.

Is the gold lion KT77 a replacement for an EL34?

The Gold Lion KT77 is a drop in replacement for an EL34 or 6CA7. The sound however is not typical of an EL34 or 6CA7. It is more of a hybrid. The tube delivers all the mid punch you would expect in an EL34 but also has a top end that is more open and bright. It’s definitely got a bit of a 6L6 designed into it.

What’s the price of a JJ EL34 II?

Bass is adequate but nothing to write home about. Just Missed the Podium: JJ KT77 ($19.95 each); JJ EL34 II ($19.95 each); Svetlana EL34 ($23.95 each)

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