Should I destroy the base Mass Effect 2?

Should I destroy the base Mass Effect 2?

To start, players will receive either Paragon or Renegade points depending on how they approach this choice in Mass Effect 2. More specifically, fans that opt to keep the Collector Base will earn quite a number of Renegade points, while those that decide to destroy it will get Paragon points instead.

Is it better to destroy or keep the collector base?

When it comes to the Collector Base, however, destroying it is actually the Paragon route and will net players some Paragon points. Likewise, keeping the base will get you Renegade points.

How do I invite Kelly to my cabin?

Once you leave the CIC (either via the Elevator or the Galaxy Map), you’ll have a message on your Private Terminal from Kelly, allowing you to invite her up to the Captain’s Cabin. Do so via the Intercom, located in the office of the Captain’s Cabin, and she’ll be in a skimpy outfit from Chora’s Den.

Can you save Thane?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to save Thane in Mass Effect 3. No matter what decisions you made in the previous game, or what decisions you make in the trilogy’s third installment, he’ll always be mortally injured by Kai Leng.

Are the collectors prothean?

The Reapers subjected captured Protheans to extensive genetic experimentation and implanted them with cybernetics. Eventually, the end result was the Collectors, a race of completely subservient creatures that the Reapers could remotely use as tools. In the end, only the Prothean Javik would survive the onslaught.

Should I let Kelly feed my fish?

Having Kelly feed your fish for you is important if you want them in Mass Effect 3, because she’ll take care of them in the interim and will give them back when you meet her again.

What happens if you save the collector base in Mass Effect 2?

If you save the Collector base: You earn Renegade Points. In the end scene of Mass Effect 2, the star behind the Illusive Man is red. (Or red and blue if Shepard died.) In Mass Effect 3, you learn that Cerberus kept the Reaper Brain from the Collector base. You will obtain the Reaper Brain War Asset (Military Strength 110).

Where is the final battle in Mass Effect 2?

The climactic battle of Mass Effect 2 occurs deep within the Collector Base —Shepard and crew discover what the Collectors have really been up to. There is no formal Journal entry for the final battle, but the battle is triggered as part of Stop the Collectors: Defeat the Collectors once you have completed Collector Base: The Long Walk .

How does the collector particle beam work in Mass Effect?

The Collector Particle Beam can destroy all four tubes in just one go before the covers come down. It is also possible to destroy the tubes or at least heavily damage them by using biotic powers such as Pull, Throw, or Warp, so having squad members with this ability can be useful.

What happens at the end of Mass Effect 3?

The final result of Commander Shepard’s decision regarding the Collector Base becomes clear near the end of Mass Effect 3. Shepard infiltrates the Illusive Man’s Chronos Station to retrieve the Prothean VI, Vendetta, which has knowledge of the Catalyst, the final piece required to complete the Crucible and end the war against the Reapers.

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