What does something substantial mean?

What does something substantial mean?

Full Definition of substantial 1a : consisting of or relating to substance. b : not imaginary or illusory : real, true. c : important, essential. 2 : ample to satisfy and nourish : full a substantial meal. 3a : possessed of means : well-to-do.

What does looking for something substantial mean?

adj. 1 of a considerable size or value. substantial funds. 2 worthwhile; important.

How do you use substantial in a sentence?

Substantial sentence example

  1. The check was for a substantial amount.
  2. Best of all, she could save a substantial amount of money for a down payment on her own place.
  3. Only those who have made substantial contributions will be considered.
  4. The weak can now do substantial harm to the strong.

What is an example of substantial?

The definition of substantial is something that is real, considerable or strong. An example of substantial is one person eating three regular-sized burritos in one sitting. Having good substance; strong; stout; solid; firm; as, substantial cloth; a substantial fence or wall.

Does substantial mean big?

Something substantial is large in size, number, or amount: If you want to say someone spent a lot of money without being too specific, you could say they spent a substantial amount of money.

Is substantial better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between excellent and substantial. is that excellent is of the highest quality; splendid while substantial is having to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life.

Is substantial greater than high?

As adjectives the difference between high and substantial is that high is elevated in position or status; above many things while substantial is having to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life.

Is not substantial meaning?

adjective. Not substantial; not consisting of matter, incorporeal.

What is a substantial claim?

Substantial Contribution Claim means a claim for compensation or reimbursement of expenses incurred in making a substantial contribution in the Chapter 11 Case pursuant to section 503(b)(3),(4), or (5) of the Bankruptcy Code.

What is the noun for substantial?

substantialness. The state or condition of being substantial. Synonyms: solidity, substance , substantiality, actuality, truth, fact, existence, verity, realism, tangibility, corporeality, subsistence, tangibleness, life, actualness, materiality, realness, perceptibility, corporality, palpability, certainty, being, real life, individuality, thingness, entity, matter, presence, verisimilitude, concreteness, the real world, absoluteness, veracity, reality, physical existence, how things are

What does substantial amount mean?

Definition of Substantial Amount. Substantial Amount means, at the time of determination thereof, an amount in excess of 30.0% of total consolidated assets (exclusive of depreciation) at such time of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries determined on a consolidated basis.

What is the meaning of substantiate?

Definition of substantiate. transitive verb. 1 : to give substance or form to : embody. 2 : to establish by proof or competent evidence : verify substantiate a charge.

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