What does the Inquisitor do in Dragon Nest Sea?

What does the Inquisitor do in Dragon Nest Sea?

The Inquisitor is the secondary specialization class of the Priest, the other being the Saint. Inquisitors are the more sadistic upholder of faith as they enhance their ability to diminish foes with powerful AOE light damage spells. At Level 45, Inquisitor can be advanced from Priest after performing the Secondary Specialization Quest .

What does the engineer do in Dragon Nest Sea?

Destruction is her middle name. The Engineer uses her mastery of machinery to overwhelm her enemies with mechanical constructs and raw explosive power. Summoning her Mecha Ducks and Mecha Duck-operated Towers to deal independent attacks, the Engineer has the might of a mini armed forces coalition that will sweep the battlefield clean.

Who is the Inquisitor in Dragon Age Inquisition?

The Inquisitor, known to many Thedosians as the Herald of Andraste, is the playable character protagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition. The player is able to choose the character’s race, gender, class, first name, and voice set. The player begins by selecting a gender, race (human, elf, dwarf or…

What kind of voice does the Inquisitor have?

The Inquisitor is a voiced protagonist. However, unlike with Hawke, the player is able to choose the sound of the protagonist’s voice, with two voices available for both genders: one with a Southern English accent and one with a North American accent.

What does a priest do in Dragon Nest?

The Priests of Dragon Nest fill the role of Main Support. This includes healing, buffing, and crowd control. However, Priests are by no means weak. They can take more hits than any class other than Paladin, and can even put out decent damage.

Is the Inquisitor a support or DPS class?

Inquisitors have been a pure DPS class for a long while, for newer players interested in the history of the class, Inquisitors prior to 90 cap was a hybrid support/DPS class which had bad damage (60 cap – early 70 cap), unstable damage (70 cap – 80 cap) and had only one good thing to its name – light debuff stacking (70 cap – 80 cap).

When do you become an inquisitor in RuneScape?

At Level 45, Inquisitor can be advanced from Priest after performing the Secondary Specialization Quest . Inquisitors are the DPS specialization of a Priest meaning that they prioritize dealing a more powerful version of light based damage but offering minimal support.

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