What is a slope stability radar?

What is a slope stability radar?

The slope stability radar has been developed to remotely scan a rock slope to continuously monitor the spatial deformation of the face. Using differential radar interferometry, the system can detect deformation movements of a rough wall with sub-millimeter accuracy, and with high spatial and temporal resolution.

How do you monitor slope stability?

Some techniques have been introduced to monitor the stability of slopes, such as the global positioning system (GPS), the geographic information system (GIS), aerial photography, and inclinometers. Each one of these offers advantages against others, but at the same time also possesses different limitations.

How do we know when a slope is unstable?

Five common symptoms of slope instability are:

  1. Visible cracks;
  2. Leaning or curved trees, guardrails and other structures;
  3. Toe erosion;
  4. Hummocky slope surface; and.
  5. Moisture changes.

How do you fix slope stability?

Slopes can be stabilized by adding a surface cover to the slope, excavating and changing (or regrading) the slope geometry, adding support structures to reinforce the slope or using drainage to control the groundwater in slope material.

How does slope stability radar work?

The “slope stability radar” has been developed to remotely scan a rock slope to continuously monitor the spatial deformation of the face. Using differential radar interferometry, the system can detect deformation movements of a rough wall with sub-millimeter accuracy, and with high spatial and temporal resolution.

Why should slope stability monitoring be done?

The objective of slope stability monitoring is to balance mine safety with the economics of the project. The safety of workers in any mining operation is the number one priority of every mining manager. This is both a moral and legal obligation.

How do you monitor a landslide?

Not all sites have ground motion sensors, but several types of instruments can be used to observe ground movement:

  1. rain gages sitting on the ground surface.
  2. water content sensors buried at different depths vertically beneath the ground surface that measure how much of the soil’s pore space is filled with water.

What affects slope stability?

Slope stability is ultimately determined by two factors: the angle of the slope and the strength of the materials on it. In Figure 15.2 a block of rock situated on a rock slope is being pulled toward Earth’s centre (vertically down) by gravity. As already noted, slopes are created by uplift followed by erosion.

How can water add stability of slope?

The Role of Water

  1. Addition of water from rainfall or snow melt adds weight to the slope. Water can seep into the soil or rock and replace the air in the pore space or fractures.
  2. Water has the ability to change the angle of repose (the slope angle which is the stable angle for the slope).

How do you prevent slope instability?

To ensure slope stability in constructed soil slopes, one common method is to take soil core samples, determine the stratigraphic layout of the soils, and then cut benches into the weaker soil. Next, a more stable and uniform soil type can be placed overtop to promote slope stabilization.

What is the farthest edge of the landslide called?

Surface of separation: The part of the original ground surface overlain by the foot of the landslide. Tip: The point of the toe farthest from the top of the landslide. Toe: The lower, usually curved margin of the displaced material of a landslide, it is the most distant from the main scarp.

What should be considered in batter surface stabilisation?

However, other factors such as the growing media, vegetation type and (less often) slope length are variable and can be tailored to a specific site to achieve appropriate batter surface stabilisation. To ensure successful batter surface stabilisation, it is important that all relevant factors are considered.

What are the different types of slope stability analysis?

Conventional methods of slope stability analysis can be divided into three groups: kinematic analysis, limit equilibrium analysis, and rock fall simulators. Most slope stability analysis computer programs are based on the limit equilibrium concept for a two-or three-dimensional model.

What kind of software is used for slope stability?

A wide variety of slope stability software use the limit equilibrium concept with automatic critical slip surface determination. Typical slope stability software can analyze the stability of generally layered soil slopes, embankments, earth cuts, and anchored sheeting structures.

How does the presence of water affect slope stability?

The presence of water has a detrimental effect on slope stability. Water pressure acting in the pore spaces, fractures or other discontinuities in the materials that make up the pit slope will reduce the strength of those materials.

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