What are the three groups of indeterminate or chance music?

What are the three groups of indeterminate or chance music?

From this point of view, indeterminate or chance music can be divided into three groups: (1) the use of random procedures to produce a determinate, fixed score, (2) mobile form, and (3) indeterminate notation, including graphic notation and texts.

How did Cage use indeterminacy?

In 1959 Smithsonian Folkways – a record label more typically associated with folk artists like Peggy Seeger and Woody Guthrie – released Indeterminacy, described as “Ninety Stories by John Cage, with Music.” The set-up was as follows: Cage recited stories, plucked randomly from 90 stories written on cue cards, as David …

What is the meaning of chance music?

aleatory music
aleatory music, also called chance music, (aleatory from Latin alea, “dice”), 20th-century music in which chance or indeterminate elements are left for the performer to realize.

What is indeterminacy also known in music?

Indeterminacy is a composing approach in which some aspects of a musical work are left open to chance or to the interpreter’s free choice. John Cage, a pioneer of indeterminacy, defined it as “the ability of a piece to be performed in substantially different ways”.

What is indeterminacy linguistics?

In linguistics and literary studies, the term indeterminacy refers to the instability of meaning, the uncertainty of reference, and the variations in interpretations of grammatical forms and categories in any natural language.

What is legal indeterminacy?

Legal indeterminacy–the extent to which any particular legal theory cannot provide knowable answers to concrete problems- is one of the principal themes of modern jurisprudence.

What instruments are in Chance music?

Starting in 2007, Dutch artist Iebele Abel develops an electronic music instrument, the Real-Time Indeterminate Synthetic Music Feedback (RT-ISMF). The instrument creates music based on the feedback the listener gives it based on their emotional state while listening.

Who was the father of electronic music?

EDGARD VARÈSE, whom many refer to as the father of electronic music, was born in 1883 in Paris, France. He spent the first ten years of his life in Paris and Burgundy. Family pressures led him to prepare for a career as an engineer by studying mathematics and science.

How does chance music make What can you use to create your chance music?

The first is the use of random procedures to produce a determinate, fixed score. The second is mobile form. The last is indeterminate notation, including graphic notation and texts (like playing music based on a drawing, rather than a traditional music score.

What is the difference between determinacy and indeterminacy?

GAME AESTHETICS: DETERMINACY VS. INDETERMINACY 1: the quality or state of being determinate (1: having defined limits). 1: the quality or state of being indeterminate (1b: not known in advance).

How is indeterminacy related to a probability distribution?

Indeterminacy has become one of the characteristics of the standard description of quantum physics. Quantum indeterminacy can be quantitatively characterized by a probability distribution on the set of outcomes for measurements of an observable.

Which is the best description of quantum indeterminacy?

Quantum indeterminacy is the assertion that the state of a system does not determine a unique collection of values for all its measurable properties. The values of an observable will be obtained non-deterministically in accordance with a probability distribution uniquely determined by the system state.

Which is the best definition of indeterminacy in music?

Indeterminacy (music) Indeterminacy is a composing approach in which some aspects of a musical work are left open to chance or to the interpreter’s free choice.

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