How do I hide notes on Tumblr theme?

How do I hide notes on Tumblr theme?

In some themes, you can hide the Notes section with a simple check mark under the “Appearance” heading of the theme customizing area.

How do you hide reblogs on Tumblr?

You can hide the “Reblog” button by editing your Tumblr theme.

  1. Open your Tumblr blog and click “Customize” to open the theme editor.
  2. Type the following into the “Add Custom CSS” box to edit your blog’s controls:
  3. Add the following code to hide the reblog button:
  4. Click “Save” to publish your blog with the edited layout.

How do I see my notes on Tumblr?

Type “{NoteCount}” (without quotes) anywhere between the start and end tag of the notes section to display the total number of notes on your page. Do this at the beginning of the section if you want to display the number of notes above the notes or at the end to show the message below them.

How do I make my Tumblr Theme Show tags?

1 Answer

  1. Go to the Customize section after you log in.
  2. Click on the Theme tab.
  3. Click Use custom HTML.

How do I disable comments on Tumblr posts?

You can enable/disable comments using Quick Edit by:

  1. Go to Posts > All Posts (or Pages > All Pages)
  2. Locate the post or page you want to enable/disable comments on.
  3. Hover over it’s title to bring up the action menu and click on Quick Edit.
  4. Check or uncheck ‘Allow Comments’ then click on Update.

How do you delete notes on Tumblr?

Desktop. Step 1: Place your cursor over the offending reply, and then click the Ellipsis icon — the three dots — that shows up. Step 2: Click Delete Reply on the context menu.

How do you hide text on Tumblr mobile?

Can you hide a Tumblr post from someone? Select “Private” from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, then click “Create Post.” Your private post will appear only to you on your blog’s dashboard, but not on the Tumblr homepage or your main Tumblr dashboard.

How do you get rid of the reblog button on Tumblr?

How to Remove Reblog on Tumblr

  1. Log in to your Tumblr account.
  2. Scroll down to the caption screen.
  3. Highlight all text in the caption screen and press the “Delete” key.
  4. Click “Customize,” “Theme” and “Custom HTML” from the top menu.
  5. Locate all reblog tags in the code, highlight them and press the “Delete” key.

What does a note on Tumblr mean?

Notes are all of the reblogs, likes, and replies that a post has received. To understand how notes work, tap or click the note count on any post and allow us to walk you through the remarkable notes ecosystem.

How do I customize my Tumblr theme?

How To Change Tumblr Themes

  1. Step 1: Click on the Account icon on the top-right corner.
  2. Step 2: Select Edit Appearance.
  3. Step 3: Then click on Edit Theme button.
  4. Step 4: Click on Browse Themes.
  5. Step 5: Find a theme you like from the directory.

How do I disable comments on a post?

Simply click on the three dots icon at the top right of the post. From the options that pop up, tap on “Turn off commenting.” Comments will now be disabled.

Do you have to add notes to Tumblr theme?

Notes are Likes, Reblogs and Replies from Tumblr users. They may be visible by default in some themes, but in others (like mine) they aren’t built in and must be added manually. I coded the notes into my theme last night, and got stuck at various points.

Why are some of my posts not showing up on Tumblr?

Send me a message on Tumblr if the problem continues, remember to include your Tumblr username if possible. Posts are missing or not showing Posts that have been flagged or are private in Tumblr will not be returned by the Tumblr API. If you believe posts are missing that should be included please get in touch.

Which is the best free theme for Tumblr?

Simple, Clean, Minimal and Beautiful. The Callisto theme has it all. The Instagram and Flickr widgets will help any Tumblr page to increase their social reach. This Tumblr theme is a combination of hipster, aesthetic, clean, and marvelous in one simple theme. It’s one of my favorite free Tumblr theme for 2019.

Why is my Tumblr blog Hidden from the web?

Check that your blog is not set to ‘Hidden from web’ in the Tumblr settings. If not, chances are it’s to do with high usage and coming back later should fix the problem. Send me a message on Tumblr if the problem continues, remember to include your Tumblr username if possible.

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