What happens if I dont pay Marowski?

What happens if I dont pay Marowski?

Once there, he’ll give you a week to pay 2000 caps as compensation for stealing his chem shipment. Refusing to pay makes him and the rest of Goodneighbor hostile. Paying will leave him on good terms. Waiting past a week and Marowski will start sending Triggermen to kill you.

How do I get the Diamond City blues quest?

The quest is obtained by witnessing Pembroke get in a fight with Cooke over Pembroke’s wife. The fight happens when the player character enters the Colonial Taphouse in Diamond City for the first time.

Where is the Chem Lab Fallout 4?

Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant
The chem lab location is located at Four Leaf Fishpacking Plant. Once you arrive there, there will be lots of Feral Ghouls. Head up the stairs towards the right, and you you will eventually come across a computer terminal, and using it will open the door to the lab, completing the quest.

Can you keep drinking buddy Fallout 4?

Buddy is found in the basement of the Shamrock Taphouse. The Sole Survivor can choose to keep him or send him to the Hotel Rexford at the request of Rufus. If selecting to keep him, he will ask for his default “HOME” which will be any of the settlements the player character selects.

How do you spare Nelson Latimer?

The Sole Survivor can admit to it or lie. After killing Nelson, Triggermen will spawn in Diamond City and attack the Sole Survivor on sight, shouting phrases like “This is for Nelson Latimer!” This can be stopped by apologizing and paying Nelson’s father 2,000 caps or by killing Nelson’s father.

Where is Marowski’s Chem Lab in Fallout 4?

Note dropped by Trish describing the security system to reveal the door. Marowski’s chem lab is an unmarked location in the Commonwealth in 2287. It is accessible by a catwalk on the roof of the Four Leaf fishpacking plant, through a security door revealed and opened via a (master) locked terminal.

Where is the Chem dealer in Fallout 4?

Even though his current influence is no longer what it is used to be, he remains a primary supplier of chems in the region and has a wide network of connections. The dealer maintains a hidden chem lab southeast of Goodneighbor, in the Four Leaf fishpacking plant, protected by a complex security system.

What happens to Marowski after the fallout heist?

Meanwhile, the heist has ruined him financially, forcing him to strike a deal with his new competitor, Bobbi No-Nose and downsize his drug business until it was but a fraction of what it once was. Marowski never found out who carried out the heist, and on top of that, he is forced to pay a cut of his profits to Bobbi for the deal he made with her.

Where does Marowski live in Fallout New Vegas?

Marowski is a major chem supplier in the local area, living in Goodneighbor in the Commonwealth in 2287. He can be found inside the Hotel Rexford, accompanied by his bodyguard, Stan Slavin.

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