What is a contact situation and why is it important?

What is a contact situation and why is it important?

The contact situation – the conditions under which groups first come together – is the single most significant factor in the creation of minority group status. 1. Agriculture was labor intensive and depended almost entirely on human effort.

What is meant by colonized minority groups?

Colonized minorities are the people of color who are in the USA without full rights as citizens. These groups are often segregated and limited in their mobility. In contrast, White ethnic immigrants, who were White even if they are seen as part of other racial groups like Italians, Jewish, or Polish.

What is a Noel hypothesis?

The Noel hypothesis states: If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethno- centrism, competition, and a differential in power, then some form of racial or ethnic stratification will result (Noel, 1968, p. 163).

Is the single most important factor in the development of dominant minority relations?

The single most important factor in the development of dominant–minority relations is the contact situation; it will have long-term consequences.

What is the central argument of the contact hypothesis?

In psychology and other social sciences, the contact hypothesis suggests that intergroup contact under appropriate conditions can effectively reduce prejudice between majority and minority group members.

Why is contact situation important?

Contact situations are likely to be effective at improving intergroup relations insofar as they induce positive affect, and ineffective insofar as they induce negative affect such as anxiety or threat.

Is an immigrant a minority?

The term national minority is often used to discuss minority groups in international and national politics. All countries contain some degree of racial, ethnic, or linguistic diversity. In addition, minorities may also be immigrant, indigenous or landless nomadic communities.

What is internal colonialism in sociology?

Internal colonialism is the uneven effects of economic development on a regional basis, otherwise known as “uneven development” as a result of the exploitation of minority groups within a wider society which leads to political and economic inequalities between regions within a state.

What decade saw a reassertion of ethnicity and loyalty to old identities quizlet?

The 1960s saw a reassertion of ethnicity and loyalty to old identities among some groups, even as other groups developed new coalitions and invented new ethnic identities.

Which two conditions of the Noel hypothesis were not present in the initial contact situation between Europeans and Hawaiian islanders?

Which two conditions of the Noel hypothesis were not present in the initial contact situation between Europeans and Hawaiian Islanders? Apartheid was more repressive and unequal. Sex refers to: Males in the military have reported more unwanted sexual contact from other men than women have.

What is Pettigrew contact hypothesis?

Pettigrew and Tropp’s canonical 2006 meta-analysis of 515 separate studies found general support for the contact hypothesis. Furthermore, their analysis found that face-to-face contact between group members significantly reduced prejudice; the more contact groups had, the less prejudice group members reported.

What are the principles of the contact hypothesis?

The contact hypothesis suggests that interpersonal contact between groups can reduce prejudice. According to Gordon Allport, who first proposed the theory, four conditions are necessary to reduce prejudice: equal status, common goals, cooperation, and institutional support.

How did Donald Noel and Robert Blauner develop the Noel hypothesis?

Donald Noel and Robert Blauner have analyzed this initial contact and developed hypotheses that aid in the understanding of this phase of the inter-group relations. The Noel hypothesis recognizes that there are three segments to the contact situation, that when working together, lead to some sort of inequality between the groups.

What was the purpose of the Blauner Hypothesis?

The Blauner hypothesis, analyzed in his book Racial Oppression in America (1972), identifies two other types of contact situations, colonization and immigration. Blauner’s hypothesis states “minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination than those created by immigration.

What is the disucussion of the Noel hypothesis?

Disucussion on the Noel and Blauner Hypotheses. The Noel hypothesis recognizes that there are three segments to the contact situation, that when working together, lead to some sort of inequality between the groups. The hypothesis states: If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethnocentrism,…

What did Donald Noel and Robert Blauner call the contact situation?

This is called the “Contact Situation.” Donald Noel and Robert Blauner have analyzed this initial contact and developed hypotheses that aid in the understanding of this phase of the inter-group relations.

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