Where did Gulum-Ei go?

Where did Gulum-Ei go?

After getting out of The Winking Skeever tavern, Gulum-Ei will head towards the East Empire Company Warehouse, found below the rock on which Solitude was built. The area was marked on the map with an anchor. Getting there is quite easy – you just need to head out of town and go towards the harbour below.

Where is Gulum-Ei after Scoundrel’s Folly?

Gulum-Ei can be found in the a small alcove within Solitude’s inn, The Winking Skeever. If your Speech level is high, you can easily get the needed information from him through persuasion (intimidation won’t work).

How do you keep Gulum-Ei alive?

Alternatively, to keep Gulum-Ei alive, before using the glitch, go to the East Empire Company Warehouse and find the entrance to Brinewater Grotto. This will activate the “Confront Gulum-Ei” part of the quest. The grotto can then be left, and the glitch used to reach Gulum-Ei.

How do you complete scoundrel’s folly in Skyrim?

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Mercer Frey.
  2. (Optional) Speak to Brynjolf.
  3. Speak to Gulum-Ei.
  4. Retrieve a case of Firebrand Wine from the Blue Palace.
  5. Return to Gulum-Ei.
  6. Follow him from a safe distance.
  7. Confront or negotiate with Gulum-Ei.
  8. Return to Mercer.

Where is Mercer Frey?

Mercer Frey is the Breton leader of the Thieves Guild located in Riften and the primary antagonist of the Thieves Guild questline. He is also the owner of Riftweald Manor in Riften, although he is never actually found in or around this location.

What armor should I trade to Tonilia?

A complete set of Thieves Guild Armor can be found around the Ragged Flagon – Cistern that Tonilia will accept if the Dragonborn loses the first set. This means that if the original set was lost or sold, she will upgrade this set.

How do I teleport Gulum-EI?

PC Sometimes Gulum-Ei disappears during “Scoundrel’s Folly,” at the end of the Brinewater Grotto. PC (Fix) Solution: type player. moveto 000198B7 followed by ” to teleport to his location. This brings the Dragonborn outside of the world, where Gulum can be interacted with.

Is the Nightingale Armor leveled?

The Nightingale Armor is a unique light armor set that appears in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Because the armor is leveled, the magnitude of the enchantments and value are contingent upon character level.

What happened to Savos Aren in Labyrinthian?

Discovering that the Staff of Magnus is hidden at Labyrinthian, the Dragonborn returns to the college, to find that Ancano has sealed himself in the Hall of the Elements with the Eye. The Dragonborn will succeed Savos as the new Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold after his death.

What happens when you follow gulum ei in Skyrim?

The quest marker for the “Follow Gulum-Ei” objective will update automatically, allowing you to follow him at your leisure. Being spotted by Gulum-Ei while tailing him will not result in failure. He will just stop until you retreat out of detection range.

How to kill gulum in scoundrel’s Folly?

Gulum is standing there with a bandit. Attack the bandit and Gulum will run away from the fight. After you have dispatched the bandit, talk to Gulum. You can choose to kill him, but if you do, you will not get a reward.

Where does Mercer send you in Skyrim Scoundrels Folly?

Mercer will send you to the Winking Skeever in Solitude to shake down Gulum-Ei for information regarding the sale of Goldenglow Estate: namely, its purchaser. However, Gulum-Ei is used to dealing with Thieves Guild thugs, and will not forfeit his information easily, out of fear for his own safety.

Where do you find gulum in the Elder Scrolls?

He can be found in The Winking Skeever during the day to fence stolen goods. Before the Thieves Guild questline, he is quite cold, and the only words he says to the Dragonborn are, “I have no business with you. Leave me.”, “Go away. I have more important things on my mind right now.” and “I don’t like strangers…”

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