What is the temperature at Chicago lakefront?

What is the temperature at Chicago lakefront?

36°F 2°C Feels Like 30°F -1.1°C Humidity 66% Wind WNW 7 MPH Gusts 17
Dew Point 26°F Ceiling N/A
Solar Rad 0 w/m2
Barometer N/A
Report from 6.3 miles NNE of central Chicago Lake at 8:04 PM Mon, Nov 1, 2021

What was the weather yesterday in London?

Yesterday (9 November 2021) at

08:00 14:00
Weather symbol
Temperature °C °F
Temperature in degrees Celsius 11° 15°

How can I get historical wind data?

The easiest option is to use the free Weather History dashboard. Simply enter the location and date (or date range), and you will be able to see formatted page showing the weather details that you requested. The wind information is in the KPIs at the top and in the graph on the left-hand side at the bottom.

What is the coldest month in London?

The coldest month is usually January when temperatures can sink to around 33 F (1 C). Snow is pretty rare in London but if it does fall it’s typically in January or February.

How cold does it get in Chicago during the winter?

Winter. Winters in Chicago bring picturesque snow, magical light displays, and unique holiday traditions. The average annual snowfall is approximately 37 inches (949 mm). Average daily highs are around 30 – 38°F (-1°C – 3°C).

What is high humidity?

High humidity (which is anything over 50 percent or so) is caused by high temperatures.

How hot was it in the UK yesterday?

Today’s and Yesterday’s Data

Temperature and Humidity So far today Yesterday
Max temperature 10.6 °C 13:40
Max feels like 10.5 °C 13:42
Max dew point 7.8 °C 13:38
Max humidity 98 % 08:46

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