How do I check my highest MMR Dota 2?

How do I check my highest MMR Dota 2?

Is there a way to check my highest ever MMR?

  1. Launch the Dota 2 game client.
  2. Click your name on the home screen, bringing you to your profile screen.
  3. Click the “Edit Profile” button.
  4. In one of the top 2 option fields, choose “SOLO MMR”.
  5. Click “Save Changes”

How do u check ur MMR?


  1. Go to the OP.GG.
  2. Input your Summoner Name (your ingame nickname) in search.
  3. Press “Solo MMR” button.
  4. Get an aproximate result.

How can I check my Winrate in Dota 2?

1 Answer. Dotabuff will give you detailed information on your win/loss ratio, and K/D ratio, even breaking it down by hero and match.

Is 4000 MMR good?

Getting to 4000 MMR puts you in the top 15% of DOTA 2 players in the world. It’s a solid milestone to aim for as it essentially means you’re a ‘good’ player.

What MMR is Archon?

2156-2926 MMR
Archon (2156-2926 MMR)

What is the average Dota 2 MMR?

According to these Valve stats, the average Match Making Rating is 2250. 50% of the DotA 2 population is below that rating, and 50% is above it. While Leaderboard ranking starts around 6000 (top 200 players of each continent), the top 1% begins at 4100.

What rank is 1500 MMR?

1500 mmr is gold 4 0lp 5th division has lower avg mmr for obvious reasons.

What rank is 1900 MMR?

A feature called MMR lock prevents players from playing ranked when further than 1000 MMR apart….What Are the MMR Tiers in Rainbow Six Siege?

Rank MMR
Bronze IV 1,700
Bronze III 1,800
Bronze II 1,900
Bronze I 2,000

Is Dota 2 dying?

Dota has survived more than a decade and Dota 2 officially came out in 2013 (open beta in 2012). The short answer is No. In order to explain why Dota 2 is not dying we will need to look at several stats from Steam and Twitch.

Is 5k MMR good in Dota?

If I remember correctly, a year or two ago 4/5k MMR was considered above average and 6k was professional level.

What rank is 2250 MMR?

Percentile indicates the percentage of players who are lower than the corresponding MMR. For example, a player with 3200 MMR would be more skilled than 90% of the total population….Valve.

Percentile MMR
25% 2000
50% 2250
75% 2731
90% 3200

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