What does it mean to be on the church electoral roll?

What does it mean to be on the church electoral roll?

The church electoral roll performs a number of important functions within the Church of England, yet the qualifications for enrolment as set out in the Church Representation Rules, and the basis on which a person’s name may be removed from the roll, are far from clear.

Who can be a church electoral roll officer?

To be qualified for election as a representative of the laity, a person must be of the laity, an actual communicant, aged 16 or over, and not disqualified (e.g. by conviction of certain offences, disqualification as a company director or entry on a “barred list”), and must be on the church electoral roll (and, unless …

How many PCC members can a church have?

The Church Representation Rules lay down that the PCC shall have a Standing Committee of not less than 5 persons. This shall consist of the minister and the churchwardens in ex-officio capacity. The PCC shall appoint at least 2 others of their members to the standing Committee.

Is the electoral roll the same as electoral register?

Get on the electoral register The electoral register (sometimes called the ‘electoral roll’) lists the names and addresses of everyone who’s registered to vote. Use the register to vote service to: get on the electoral register. update your details (for example change your name or address)

What is church roll?

Definitions of church roll. a list of the members of church. type of: roll, roster. a list of names.

Do you have to be confirmed to be on a PCC?

Candidates for election have to confirm on their nomination papers that they are not disqualified from standing and it is a criminal offence to make a false statement. If it is subsequently found that an elected PCC has a conviction it is very likely that another candidate, or an elector, could challenge the election.

Are PCC minutes public?

The Minutes are available as PDF downloads only. Please note: on occasion, there may be some Strictly Confidential discussions that take place at the PCC Meeting. If that is the case, those parts of the Minutes will be edited out of the public version.

Can a parochial church council borrow money?

A council cannot mortgage or charge any of its property as security for money borrowed or which it otherwise owes; any security given in breach of this provision is unenforceable (2003 Act, section 13(1) and (2)). 10 years, in all other cases.

Can anyone attend a church PCC meeting?

meeting) and AM – the PCC Secretary’s role It is covered in section 13 of Church Representation Rules. Anyone resident in the parish or on the electoral roll of the parish may attend and vote.

What is the role of the church?

The first function of the church in any community is educa- tion in religion and morality,—the ministry to the inner life. The churches have it within their power to bring to the people the con- sciousness of God, and of the invisible world, and to release the spiritual forces that lie back in every man’s heart.

Why is the electoral roll important to the Church of England?

Joining the electoral roll is an important way of confirming your commitment to Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s community and to the vision of the church. But it also opens up the way for greater involvement in the life of the Church of England, at Deanery, Diocesan and national levels.

Is the Holy Trinity Church on the electoral roll?

You can, of course, be a full and active member of Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s Church without joining the Roll. Being on the Electoral Roll does not entail signing up to any additional commitments, however, it does help the Church show its strength. Representation on the governing bodies of the church depends on the number on the Electoral Roll.

Where can I get a copy of the electoral roll?

The Electoral Roll Officer gives a report at the APCM. Also, a copy of the new Roll is available in the Church Office. Please click here for a Data Privacy Notice, issued in line with the new GDPR regulations, which explains how we handle your data, and your rights under the Regulations.

How old do you have to be to get on the electoral roll?

To apply for the Electoral Roll you must meet ALL the following conditions: You must be aged 16 or over (though you can apply in the year you become 16 and your name will be entered once your birth date has passed). You must be baptised.

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