What is a J term?

What is a J term?

noun \jey-turm\: Two to three weeks between the first and second semester during which students immerse themselves in a single subject. The classes offered are hands-on, nontraditional, and count as a single semester class.

Is Australia accepting study abroad?

The Australian Government has introduced a travel ban for all citizens, and self-isolation requirements are in place for all arrivals from overseas. There will be no student or non-essential staff travel.

How do j-term classes work?

January term refers to a shorter study period that some colleges now offer. Some schools offer a shorter term that takes place at the beginning of January. Students have the option of taking one class that interests them during this term or staying home and coming back for the spring semester.

How long is a J-term?

J-Term Basics The J-Term usually starts at the beginning of January, which is when kids come back from winter break, and lasts for just two weeks.

What is J-term at Drake University?

Because during January Term (J-Term), students are given the opportunity to engage in a variety of unique learning experiences, most of which aren’t offered during the regular school year.

Can I study in Australia in 2022?

Australia has signalled that the majority of international students will not be able to return until the second half of 2022. Since January 2021, 164,000 of the country’s visa-holding international students have been unable to enter the country and return to university because of Covid-19 border restrictions.

Is J-term mandatory?

The J-Term is optional; you do not have to take a course or a minimum number of credits during the J-Term.

How long is a J-Term Study Abroad program?

With a J-term (or January term or winter session) study abroad program, you can squeeze in a 2 – 4 week long study abroad program. Depending on which one you choose, you might even be able to get a course credit for it.

Is it possible to study abroad in January?

If you opt to study abroad in January, you will most likely not be able to enroll directly into a foreign university. It’s hard to enroll in a local class only for a month when the classes are designed for a full semester. Because of this difficulty, there are two popular program designs for J-Terms.

Where can I go for a J-Term Program?

While in Australia or New Zealand, you can enroll in a J-Term program that focuses on the environmental programs, while exploring the ocean or the mountains. Spend up to 4 weeks in Israel or Morocco while studying religious studies and language while immersing yourself in some of the most historical regions of the world.

When to apply for St.Thomas J-Term programs?

Important Dates for J-Term Programs Mid-February Study Abroad Fair Mid-March Program Brochures released on study abro April 1-10 St. Thomas/UMAIE priority application pe April 15 Other Approved J-Term Program applicatio Date Announced Late Summer First-year student only program applicat

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