What does niggling mean?

What does niggling mean?

: petty also : bothersome or persistent especially in a petty or tiresome way niggling injuries. Other Words from niggling Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About niggling.

What is a niggle Australian slang?

nigglenoun. A minor complaint or problem.

Whats the origin of the word niggling?

Origin uncertain, but likely borrowed from dialectal Norwegian nigla (“to be stingy, to busy oneself with trifles”), ultimately from Old Norse hnøggr (“stingy; miserly”), related to Old English hnēaw (“stingy; niggardly”).

What is a niggling pain?

niggling adjective [before noun] (WORRY/PAIN) worrying someone slightly or causing them slight pain, usually for a long time: a niggling doubt/fear. He has a niggling hip injury, which has troubled him on and off over the past year..

What type of word is niggling?

petty; trivial; inconsequential: to quibble about a niggling difference in terminology.

What is a niggle British?

niggle. noun. Definition of niggle (Entry 2 of 2) chiefly British. : a trifling doubt, objection, or complaint.

Should I run with a niggle?

1/ Telling yourself that it’s just a niggle You’re in the midst of training for your goal race, you need to stay on track and you don’t have time for an injury. But running through niggles session after session isn’t going to lead you to glory at the finish line.

What does niggling mean in the UK?

Should you run with a niggle?

What is the synonym of nagging?

2’one question has been nagging me for weeks’ trouble, worry, bother, plague, torment, niggle, prey on one’s mind, gnaw at, hang over, haunt, weigh down, weigh heavily on, lie heavy on, burden, cause anxiety to. annoy, irritate, vex, irk, rankle with.

Do running injuries heal?

If you decide to take some time out, bear in mind that rest won’t always fix your injury woes. ‘If an injury is going to settle down quickly it will settle down within the first two weeks of not running,’ says Vickers.

Which is the best definition of the word niggly?

Wiktionary(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: niggly(Adjective) bad-tempered, especially about trivial details. niggly(Adjective) trivial, insignificant niggly(Adjective) pernickety, paying too much attention to small details.

What does niggling mean in English language learners?

English Language Learners Definition of niggling : causing you to feel a slight pain or to be worried or annoyed for a long time See the full definition for niggling in the English Language Learners Dictionary

Why are we not allowed to use the word Niggle?

Word came down from above that we are no longer allowed to use “niggle” or “niggly” or any variety thereof in writing or speaking with students because “they sound and look too much like that other word” (the N-word) and we don’t “want to upset the student body.”

What does it mean when a food bully niggles you?

Stocksy As a result, a food bully niggles a friend into ordering her way to justify her own decisions. — Diane Stopyra, Marie Claire, 24 May 2019 As a result, a food bully niggles a friend into ordering her way to justify her own decisions.

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