What does troll mean on the Internet?

What does troll mean on the Internet?

What is trolling? In scientific literature, internet trolling is defined as a malicious online behaviour, characterised by aggressive and deliberate provocation of others. “Trolls” seek to provoke, upset and harm others via inflammatory messages and posts.

Is trolling anonymous?

Like clowns in make-up, Internet trolls hide behind “anonymous accounts and fake usernames”. In their eyes, they are the trickster and are performing for a nameless audience via the Internet.

What do you mean by troll?

someone who leaves an intentionally annoying or offensive message on the internet, in order to upset someone or to get attention or cause trouble. a message that someone leaves on the internet that is intended to annoy people: A well-constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from flamers and newbies.

What kind of person is an internet troll?

Trolls are characterised by the ‘Dark Tetrad’ of personality traits, including psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism and sadism. In internet parlance, a troll is generally defined as a person who posts abusive, insulting, inflammatory, extraneous, off-topic or digressive messages in an online community.

Is it illegal to troll on the internet?

Trolling is not a crime under federal law. But under the laws of many states, harassment, stalking, and/or bullying are illegal. For more information, see Cyberbullying Laws by State.

How do you identify an internet troll?

How to Identify Trolls in Your Online Community

  1. Trolls are anonymous.
  2. Trolls have throwaway e-mail addresses.
  3. Trolls are there to get a rise out of people.
  4. Trolls use anonymous proxies.
  5. All trolls make mistakes.
  6. Trolls rarely add anything of value to the conversation.

What is anonymity on the Internet?

Anonymity means that the real author of a message is not shown. Anonymity can be implemented to make it impossible or very difficult to find out the real author of a message. A common variant of anonymity is pseudonymity, where another name than the real author is shown.

Why is anonymity important on the Internet?

Internet Anonymity Allows Us to Express Ourselves Without Fear. With anonymity in place, people can go online to express themselves without fear. These people are free to openly discuss these feelings anonymously without judgment from people they know.

What is troll in social media?

Trolls are people who leave intentionally provocative or offensive messages on the internet in order to get attention, cause trouble or upset someone.

What is an example of trolling?

An Example of Trolling: Entering an online discussion on astronomy and insisting that the earth is flat in order to provoke an emotional and verbal response from community members. This may be a relatively tame example,but the intent is still to disrupt and incite outrage.

Are Internet trolls intelligent?

Psychologists have identified the kind of emotional intelligence that makes internet trolls so mean. It’s a jungle out there.

How do I get rid of Internet trolls?

9 tips for handling trolls on social media

  1. Establish a policy. Most social networks have community policies for ‘being respectful’.
  2. Ignore them.
  3. Respond with facts.
  4. Diffuse with humor.
  5. Block or ban them.
  6. Correct mistakes.
  7. Don’t be baited.
  8. Don’t delete their posts.

What Are Internet Trolls? If you’ve been on the internet for any period of time, you’ve likely run into a troll at some point. An internet troll is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic.

Why are trolls so opportunistic on the Internet?

Perhaps only online can a troll launch ad hominem attacks “directly” at the President, a privilege once reserved for pundits. The online disinhibition effect illustrates that trolls are opportunistic, playing an online game rooted in their anonymity. Simple, really.

What are the concerns about anonymity on the Internet?

Some expressed concerns that such systems – especially those that remove the ability to participate anonymously online – will result in an altered power dynamic between government/state-level actors, the elites and “regular” citizens.

What should you do if you get trolled on the Internet?

Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet. You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously.

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