What is the world record for running backwards?

What is the world record for running backwards?

That’s because Aaron Yoder is famous for his backwards running style—and recently broke the official Guinness World Record for fastest backwards mile. Yoder completed the unusual feat just 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Yes, you read the correctly.

Can humans run faster backwards?

“The way in which the muscles contract when running backwards is likely to make them stronger, meaning that our muscles can cope with applying more force for longer, meaning that we could run quicker, for longer.

What is running backwards called?

Retro running, also known in English as backward running and reverse running, is simply a backward run.

Has anyone ran a marathon backwards?

It seems that Karl Twomey ran the 2011 London Marathon backwards in an impressive 4 hours 16 minutes but the official Guinness World Record for running 26.2 miles in reverse has been held by Xu Zhenjun since October 2004 when he backed over the finish line at Beijing in 3:43:39!

Where is Aaron Yoder from?

Thanks to that cheap treadmill from WalMart, a kid from Peabody, Kansas, found what made him unique. “I have a mindset that really embraces adversity,” Yoder said. “That’s the Kansas motto: ‘To the stars, through adversity.

Whats the fastest Backwards mile?

5 min 54.25 sec
The fastest mile run backwards is 5 min 54.25 sec and was achieved by Aaron Yoder (USA) in Lindsborg, Kansas, USA, on 23 November 2015. Aaron is the head track and cross country coach at Bethany College in Lindsborg Kansas.

Is backwards running a sport?

Backward running, also known as reverse running or retro running, began as a rehabilitation exercise used by US doctors in the 1970s and 1980s. Now athletes in many sports such as football, tennis, athletics and basketball use backward running as part of their training regime.

What happens when you run for 15 minutes?

15-Minute Jog and Calories If you do a 15-minute jog every morning and don’t increase your caloric intake, you will lose weight. If you weigh 155 pounds, you will lose approximately 1 pound every three to four weeks. If you weigh 185 pounds, you will lose 1 pound in a little less than three weeks.

What does running sideways do?

The act of walking sideways occurs nearly every day. It uses a different set of muscles from the primary muscles used in walking straight ahead. Side stepping exercises can strengthen these underused muscles while also improving balance, improving flexibility and increasing spatial awareness.

How fast can you run backwards?

The fastest mile run backwards is 5 min 54.25 sec and was achieved by Aaron Yoder (USA) in Lindsborg, Kansas, USA, on 23 November 2015. Aaron is the head track and cross country coach at Bethany College in Lindsborg Kansas.

Who holds the world record for running 1 mile?

Hicham El Guerrouj
The current world record for one mile is 3:43.13, set by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco in 1999.

Who is the fastest person to run backwards a mile?

The fastest mile run backwards is 5 min 54.25 sec and was achieved by Aaron Yoder (USA) in Lindsborg, Kansas, USA, on 23 November 2015. At Guinness World Records we want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something, and we’re here to measure it!

How did Aaron Yoder become a backwards runner?

All he had to do was turn around and start running in reverse. Yoder traces his backward running origins to his middle school years. A portion of a former dairy building on the farm gave way to a weight room, and Yoder worked to save the money to buy a treadmill for himself, but he soon found out it didn’t go fast enough for running forward.

What’s the fastest mile Aaron Yoder has run?

His goal on Friday: to beat that record, as part of the 2020 New Balance 5th Avenue Mile, a New York Road Runners event that takes place in Manhattan each September, but is being held virtually this year. On Friday, soaring down that Kansas road, he beat his record by 24 seconds, finishing his mile in 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

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