What is your surname?

What is your surname?

Your surname is your family name. It’s also called your “last name.” When filling out applications, type your surname as it appears on your passport, travel or identity document. Do not use initials.

Is your surname or last name?

In the Anglophonic world, a surname is commonly referred to as the last name because it is usually placed at the end of a person’s full name, after any given name. In many parts of Asia and in some parts of Europe and Africa, the family name is placed before a person’s given name.

What is surname with example?

Surname is defined as the family or last name. An example of a surname is Smith when the person’s full name is John Smith. A name shared in common to identify the members of a family, as distinguished from each member’s given name.

What is surname and first name?

Generally, the name of an individual is broken down into two halves. The first name is the name given at birth (Sachin). The last name (surname) represents the name of the family to which the child is born (Tendulkar).

Is a surname a maiden name?

: the surname prior to marriage of a person who takes their spouse’s last name especially : the surname of a married or divorced woman prior to marriage After she divorced, she took back her maiden name.

What is surname in India example?

In India, the last name is basically a family name that passes on from generation to generation. The names may denote a community, caste, profession, religion or place of birth. As per the data revealed in 2012, Singh, Devi, Kaur, Das and Kumar are five of the most popular surnames.

Is my surname my first name?

Your first name is the first of the names that were given to you when you were born. You can also refer to all of your names except your surname as your first names.

Is surname your maiden name?

The definition of a maiden name is the surname or birth name a woman has before she marries and takes her husband’s last name. An example of maiden name is Jones for a woman who was named Sarah Jones before she married and became Sarah Stein.

What is surname in Bisaya?

Cebuano Translation. apilyido. More Cebuano words for surname. apelyedo noun. surname.

What is your first surname?

It is generally given at birth or baptism. First name is also known as forename. Surname is the family name and is preceded by middle name and first name. For example- in the full name ‘John Taylor’, John is the first name as well as the forename. Taylor represents the family name or can be referred as the surname.

Is surname the same as maiden name?

The surname that a girl is given at birth and that some women change when they marry. The definition of a maiden name is the surname or birth name a woman has before she marries and takes her husband’s last name.

Is my surname my married name?

When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of their spouse, in some countries that name replaces the person’s previous surname, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name (birth name is also used as a gender-neutral or masculine substitute for maiden name), whereas a …

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