Are blocking mats necessary?

Are blocking mats necessary?

An important step in knitting is blocking, a technique of steaming or wetting your fabric pieces to adjust and set their shapes. Blocking mats are incredibly useful tools that can improve the precision of this process.

What to use instead of blocking mats?

Towels. I used towels and only towels for the longest time before I got blocking mats. I would lay a towel on a flat surface, such as the floor, concrete, table, etc. Then pin my pieces in place and let them dry to complete the blocking process.

What are blocking mats used for in knitting?

What Are Blocking Mats For Knitting? In knitting terms, the best blocking mats are tools to put your blocked items to dry. Made of waterproof foam or similar waterproofed material. (So they’re great for wet blocking.)

What can I use as a blocking board?

You can use any wooden plank as long as it is at least half an inch thick (preferably more). Make sure that the plank is at least an inch bigger than the biggest square you want to block.

Why do you need to block knitting?

Blocking is an important step toward making your knit pieces look more professional. It’s a way of “dressing” or finishing your projects using moisture and sometimes heat. Seaming and edging are easier on blocked pieces, and minor sizing adjustments may be made during the blocking process.

What is a knitter’s block?

Cocoknits’ Knitter’s Block contains exactly what you need to expertly block your finished knit and crocheted pieces. They have a low pile to gently grip your knits; their waterproof surface means wet blocks dry a lot faster; and they are heat resistant, so you steam right on them!

Can you use Woolite for blocking?

If you’re going to wet block the knitted or crocheted item, you will need to use either a special wool wash or baby shampoo. The reason for using a product like Woolite or The Laundress’ Wool and Cashmere Shampoo, is that you don’t want to damage the fibers by using a normal laundry detergent.

Can you block knitting with just water?

To wet block your knitting or crochet, you get it completely wet in a sink or basin of water. Have a large towel at the ready. When blocking your finished piece, consider adding a little gentle soap or wool wash to the water and swish out whatever dirt and grime your piece may have picked up while you worked on it.

Should I block granny squares?

Blocking is imperative when making a set of identical small pieces (like Granny Squares) that will be sewn together to make a larger piece such as an afghan. Blocking crochet pieces before you sew them together ensures that all of your pieces are the same dimension. Believe it or not, your mood can affect your tension.

When should you not block knitting?

There’s no rule that says you have to block your knitting. If there’s no adjustment or finishing that needs to be done with blocking, then go ahead – just enjoy it! 2. Acrylic yarn, rumor has it, does not need to be blocked.

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