What is a sentence for solicitous?

What is a sentence for solicitous?

Examples of solicitous in a Sentence I appreciated his solicitous inquiry about my health. He had always been solicitous for the welfare of his family.

What is an example of solicitous?

The definition of solicitous is someone who shows concern, care or eagerness. An example of someone who would be described as solicitous is a hovering and nervous parent. adjective.

What part of speech is solicitous?


part of speech: adjective
related words: careful, complaisant, considerate, obliging, warm-hearted
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: solicitously (adv.), solicitousness (n.)

What is the synonym of solicitous?

Words related to solicitous zealous, attentive, mindful, loving, anxious, apprehensive, ardent, avid, beside oneself, careful, concerned, devoted, eager, earnest, heedful, impatient, keen, raring, regardful, tender.

How do you use solicitous?

solicitous in a Sentence 🔉

  1. I am going to keep a solicitous eye out for criminals in this hard-hit neighborhood.
  2. The solicitous mother did not want her young daughter going out on a date.
  3. My girlfriend gets solicitous when I drink too much.

How do you use prodigal in a sentence?

Prodigal in a Sentence 🔉

  1. If you want to save money for college, you should stop your prodigal spending sprees.
  2. We should be concerned about our future because of our prodigal youth.
  3. After the prodigal son spent all of his inheritance, he had to get a low-paying job.

What are some antonyms of solicitous?

antonyms for solicitous

  • heedless.
  • inattentive.
  • easy-going.
  • laid-back.
  • unafraid.
  • unworried.

Which conveys opposite meaning to the given word solicitous?

hesitant, loath. (also loth or loathe), reluctant, unwilling.

What is the opposite of solicitous?

solicitousadjective. showing hovering attentiveness. “solicitous about her health”; “made solicitous inquiries about our family” Antonyms: inattentive, unconcerned.

What is the opposite meaning of solicitous?

Opposite of showing a keen desire or enthusiasm. uncaring. apathetic. heartless. unfeeling.

What term best describes prodigal?

1 : characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish a prodigal feast prodigal outlays for her clothes. 2 : recklessly spendthrift the prodigal prince. 3 : yielding abundantly : luxuriant —often used with of nature has been so prodigal of her bounty— H. T. Buckle.

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