Which type of rock is chlorite?

Which type of rock is chlorite?

Chlorite is a member of the mica group of minerals (sheet silicates), like biotite and muscovite. Chlorite is widespread in low grade metamorphic rocks such as slate and schist, in sedimentary rocks, and as a weathering product of any rocks that are low in silica (especially igneous rocks).

What is chlorite composed of?

Sodium chlorite — also referred to as chlorous acid, sodium salt textone, and Miracle Mineral Solution — is composed of sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), and oxygen (O2).

Is chlorite a primary or secondary mineral?

Chlorite is a common secondary mineral occurring after the alteration of minerals such as pyroxenes and amphiboles.

Is chlorite a siliceous mineral?

chlorite, widespread group of layer silicate minerals occurring in both macroscopic and clay-grade sizes; they are hydrous aluminum silicates, usually of magnesium and iron. The name, from the Greek for “green,” refers to chlorite’s typical colour.

What mineral group is chlorite in?

The chlorites are a group of phyllosilicate minerals. Chlorites can be described by the following four endmembers based on their chemistry via substitution of the following four elements in the silicate lattice; Mg, Fe, Ni, and Mn. In addition, zinc, lithium, and calcium species are known.

What type of mineral is chlorite is?

silicate minerals
“Chlorite” is the name of a group of common sheet silicate minerals that form during the early stages of metamorphism. Most chlorite minerals are green in color, have a foliated appearance, perfect cleavage, and an oily to soapy feel. They are found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

What mineral is chlorite?

What is chlorate and chlorite?

Chlorite and chlorate are disinfection by-products resulting from the use of chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant and for odour/taste control in water. Chlorine dioxide is also used as a bleaching agent for cellulose, paper pulp, flour and oils and for cleaning and detanning leather.

Is chlorite a clay mineral?

In sediments, much chlorite falls by definition into the category of minerals known as “clay minerals” (see Clay Mineralogy). Small amounts of chlorite are common in many sediments and it may be both detrital or formed diagenetically.

What type of clay is chlorite?

Chlorite: This clay mineral is the weathering product of mafic silicates and is stable in cool, dry, or temperate climates. It occurs along with illite in midwestern soils. It is also found in some metamorphic rocks, such as chlorite schist.

What is the difference between chlorite and chlorate?

In context|chemistry|lang=en terms the difference between chlorite and chlorate. is that chlorite is (chemistry) any salt of chlorous acid while chlorate is (chemistry) any salt of chloric acid; chlorates are powerful oxidizing agents.

Is chlorite and chloride the same?

Chlorite and chloride are anions derived from chlorine atoms. Chlorite is an anion having the chemical formula ClO2– while Chloride is the anion having the chemical formula Cl–. Chlorite is an oxyanion and contains oxygen atoms apart from chlorine.

Where does the name chlorite come from for a mineral?

“Chlorite” is the name of a group of common sheet silicate minerals that form during the early stages of metamorphism.

What is the crystal structure of chlorite group?

The crystal structure of clinoclore, the chlorite group mineral listed in Table 3.4, consists of two layer types as shown in Fig. 3.14. The 2:1 layer, structurally identical to those found in mica group minerals, alternates with a second layer structurally similar to the layers in brucite Mg (OH) 2 (s).

What kind of metamorphic rocks contain chlorite?

Metamorphic rocks rich in chlorite might include phyllite and chlorite schist. Another environment of chlorite mineral formation is in oceanic crust descending into subduction zones. Here, amphiboles, pyroxenes, and micas are altered into chlorite. Chlorite minerals also form during the hydrothermal, metasomatic, or contact metamorphism.

What is the chemical formula for chlorite cookeite?

Chemical Formula. Below is a simple formula encompassing the common members of the Chlorite Group: (Mg,Fe,Li)6AlSi3O10(OH)8. The formula for the three most common individual group members are: Cookeite: LiAl5Si3O10(OH)8. Clinochlore: (Mg,Fe2+)5Al2Si3O10(OH)8.

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