How do you read an insulin sliding scale?

How do you read an insulin sliding scale?

In the sliding-scale method, the dose is based on your blood sugar level just before your meal. The higher your blood sugar, the more insulin you take.

What is a sliding scale insulin order?

The term ‘sliding scale’ refers to the increasing administration of the pre-meal insulin dose based on the blood sugar level before the meal.

What is a normal sliding scale for insulin?

How sliding scale insulin therapy works

Blood glucose (mg/dL) Low dose: For highly insulin-sensitive patients Moderate dose: For patients with normal insulin sensitivity
140-180 2 units 3 units
181-240 3 units 4 units
241-300 4 units 6 units
301-350 6 units 8 units

Are all insulin sliding scales the same?

A sliding scale varies the dose of insulin based on blood glucose level. The higher your blood glucose the more insulin you take. The Sliding Scale method is more precise than fixed dose insulin in that it takes account of the fact that people’s blood glucose is not always in the normal range before meals.

What does sliding scale mean?

1 : a wage scale geared to the selling price of the product or to the consumer price index but usually guaranteeing a minimum below which the wage will not fall. 2a : a system for raising or lowering tariffs in accord with price changes.

How do you calculate a sliding scale?

Decide on the salary you hope to make each year. Alternatively, determine the lowest salary you can comfortably accept. Add the annual costs and your minimum annual salary. Dividing this number by 12 will give you the amount of income you need to bring in each month.

What is a sliding scale for diabetics?

The term “sliding scale” refers to the progressive increase in pre-meal or nighttime insulin doses. The term “sliding scale” refers to the progressive increase in the pre-meal or nighttime insulin dose, based on pre-defined blood glucose ranges. Sliding scale insulin regimens approximate daily insulin requirements.

When should you start a sliding scale?

The American Diabetes Association recommends that a patient’s blood glucose level be less than 180 mg/dl 2 hours after a meal. The cornerstone of insulin therapy should be an intermediate- or long-acting insulin accompanied by a rapid-acting insulin for meal coverage.

When would you use a sliding scale?

Use the sliding scale only as a supplement to correct acute hyperglycemia. To make appropriate and effective insulin dose adjustments, focus on blood glucose trends and identify patterns during the first 2 days of the patient’s hospitalization.

Why is it called sliding scale?

It’s called a “sliding” scale because rates vary per person and are subject to change. For example: If a patient gets a higher-income job during the course of treatment, you may expect them to pay more per session. Thus, their spot on the scale would “slide” closer to your standard fee.

What is another word for sliding scale?

In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sliding-scale, like: related rates, adjusted scale, variable scale, ratio, rate and relationship.

What is a sliding scale grade?

A sliding scale rubric is a rubric whose proficiency expectations change over time. Now notice (below) how the expectation for writing will increase to a final, grade-level proficiency expectation by the beginning of 3rd term (there is only one column of the rubric in which a student can earn a 4).

What does sliding scale mean in diabetes treatment?

Sliding Scale Therapy. The term “sliding scale” refers to the progressive increase in the pre-meal or nighttime insulin dose, based on pre-defined blood glucose ranges. Sliding scale insulin regimens approximate daily insulin requirements.

What is the sliding scale for insulin aspart?

Adult Sliding Scale for Insulin Aspart (Novolog) Blood Glucose (mg/dL) LOW DOSE MODERATE DOSE HIGH DOSE Less than 70 Initiate HYPOglycemia Guidelines Initiate HYPOglycemia Guidelines Initiate HYPOglycemia Guidelines. 70 – 139 0 units 0 units 0 units.

How is Correctional insulin different from sliding scale insulin?

A correctional insulin dose provides a final insulin adjustment based on the preprandial glucose value. This correctional dose resembles a sliding scale, but is only a small fine-tuning of therapy, as opposed to traditional sliding-scale insulin alone.

What are the principles of sliding scale therapy?

The general principles of sliding scale therapy are: The amount of carbohydrate to be eaten at each meal is pre-set. The basal (background) insulin dose doesn’t change. You take the same long-acting insulin dose no matter what the blood glucose level.

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