Is seiryu stone good for cichlids?

Is seiryu stone good for cichlids?

Seiryu Aquarium Rock (Best for African Cichlids) This beautiful blue-gray stone is really popular with aquascapers. These rocks do contain some calcium carbonate so they can raise your GH/KH/pH. So they’re not the best choice for Central or South American cichlids, but they’re great for Africans.

Do African cichlids need air stone?

Air Stones and Circulation Pumps Some fragile fish will not thrive in environments with too much water circulation. If your fish need to have the “wind in their hair” or need more exercise, like African cichlids, use a circulation pump.

Is limestone safe for African cichlids?

Limestone is recommended for use in African cichlid tanks. South American cichlid tanks prefer soft water and limestone could be harmful to them. Nevertheless, it should be noted that limestone in itself is harmless to your fish.

Why do my cichlids spit rocks?

Territorial Bosses In a sense, territoriality is the basis for every reason that cichlid fish move around the rocks in your fish tank (or, for that matter, why they also move the rocks around in your fish tank). Cichlids are known for being territorial and aggressive.

What is the best rocks for African cichlids?

The African cichlid aquarium should have plenty of rockwork, caves and other hiding places to create needed territories. Limestone and dolomite rock will help maintain proper water chemistry, but virtually any rock or artificial décor is suitable. Rinse all decorations before placing them in your aquarium.

Can African cichlids live without air pump?

African cichlids are gill-breathing fish. They get all their oxygen directly from water. They release it directly into the water and fish breathe it, just like in nature where they live without any pumps.

What rocks are best for cichlids?

What is limestone most commonly used for?

Limestone is a source of lime (calcium oxide), which is used in steel manufacturing, mining, paper production, water treatment and purification, and plastic production. Lime also has major applications in the manufacture of glass and in agriculture.

Why is my cichlid digging a hole?

These pits serve as a nest for the fish, where they can lay eggs. Many cichlids are known for this behavior, including the small ram cichlid, larger earth-eater cichlid and many African cichlids. If you see your fish digging a pit like this, it can mean that they are preparing to spawn.

How are Lake Malawi cichlids able to survive?

All Lake Malawi species are maternal mouthbrooders, which means that when breeding, the female scoops up the eggs and holds them in her mouth for several weeks – in fact until well after the fry have hatched. This makes their fry larger and more capable of surviving on their own once released.

How to keep fish together in Lake Malawi?

With a few notable exceptions, most fish from Lake Malawi can be kept together, though trial and error is a necessary component of any mixed-species African tank. For all of these species, lots of rocks to break up line of sight and provide caves and hidey-holes are recommended.

Can you keep cichlids in a community tank?

Lake Malawi Species. All Malawian cichlids are considered aggressive, and do not belong in a community tank. Normally, they should only be kept with other African cichlids of similar temperament, with a few notable exceptions that include some species of hardy catfish.

What kind of water does Lake Malawi have?

The average water temperature of Lake Malawi is 77 °F, with a pH = 8.5, a general hardness (GH) around 7, and a carbonate hardness (KH) of 10-12. For the non-chemists in the room, this means the water is hard and alkaline. Fortunately, this corresponds well with tap water around many regions of North America.

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