What happened to the first IIR satellite that was launched?

What happened to the first IIR satellite that was launched?

It was launched on 17 January 1997, and was destroyed 13 seconds into its flight due to a malfunction of the Delta II launch vehicle that was carrying it….GPS IIR-1.

Spacecraft properties
Reference system Geocentric orbit (planned)
Regime Medium Earth orbit (Semi-synchronous)
Perigee altitude 20,200 km
Apogee altitude 20,200 km

What is the Delta 2 technology used for?

The Delta II is used to launch small to medium payloads (2,170 kg [4,790 pounds] to geostationary orbit) and has launched such spacecraft as Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous and the Mars Exploration Rovers.

How many Delta II launches?

155 times
The Delta II program has a rich history. Over 29 years, the rocket launched 155 times with 100 consecutive successful missions, culminating in the final ICESat-2 flight for NASA.

What drug is delta2?

Delta 2 is a steroid precursor similar to androstenedione, the product Mark McGwire infamously used when he shattered baseball’s single-season home run record (andro was a legal product and not banned by baseball in 1998). Like andro, it turns into a steroid only after it is absorbed by the body.

When did GPS come out for civilians?

1993: The U.S. secretary of defense opens the global positioning system to civilian use. It’s about to change how people see where they are. The GPS story starts with Sputnik, the first artificial satellite.

How many GPS sats are there?

The GPS satellite network consists of 32 satellites in total, with 24 being active at any one time.

Why did us make GPS free?

GPS is a public service made free to access so that the country can collectively improve its knowledge of the technology. As in the case of the internet, this presents an opportunity for the more industrious among us to diversify its application at a faster rate.

How did GPS become free?

But then in 1983, a Soviet SU-15 shot down a Korean passenger jet as it strayed from its intended route into Soviet prohibited airspace. Realizing world-wide GPS could have prevented the tragedy—and could prevent more in the future—President Ronald Reagan opened this system to the public on September 16, 1983.

When did the Delta II rocket explosion happen?

On January 17, 1997, the Delta II 7925 carrying a $45 million GPS satellite exploded only 13 seconds after liftoff. No one was injured. Flixxy.com Delta II Rocket Explosion Daily Popular Sponsored links:

When did the Delta 2 come into service?

Delta II was part of the Delta rocket family and entered service in 1989. Delta II vehicles included the Delta 6000, and the two later Delta 7000 variants (“Light” and “Heavy”).

When did the rocket explode at Cape Canaveral?

Air Force Delta II rocket explodes 13 seconds after liftoff at Cape Canaveral Air Station. (Jan/1997) Air Force Delta II rocket explodes 13 seconds after liftoff at Cape Canaveral Air Station. (Jan/1997)

How is the Delta II launch vehicle assembled?

A Delta II launch vehicle was assembled vertically on the launch pad. Assembly starts by hoisting the first stage into position. The solid rocket boosters are then hoisted into position and mated with the first stage. Launch vehicle build-up then continues with the second stage being hoisted atop the first stage.


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