How old is Takuto Kira?

How old is Takuto Kira?

Takuto Kira

Takuto Kira Kira Takuto タクト·キラ
Series Full Moon O Sagashite
Race Shinigami/Human
Age N/A
Birthdate November 29

How old is Makoto in full moon?

Main characters. Mitsuki is a 12-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a pop singer, but she has a tumor in her vocal cords which restricts her ability to sing. With Takuto’s help, she transforms into Full Moon (フルムーン, Furumūn), a 16-year-old idol, completely cancer-free and able to sing.

How old was eichi in full moon?

Eichi is a sixteen-year-old boy with golden brown hair and brown eyes.

Who does mitsuki Kouyama end up with?

Takuto saves her from dying and disappears for three years. During this time, Mitsuki’s cancer mysteriously disappears and she continues with her singing career. During a concert, she is reunited with Takuto and they begin a relationship, but Mitsuki will forever keep Eichi in a special place in her heart.

Is Takuto an eichi?

Eichi was Takuto’s first assignment. He threw Eichi’s soul away, though Eichi wanted to live for Mitsuki. Takuto had always been haunted by the young boy’s eyes.

Where can I watch Full Moon anime?

Crunchyroll – Full Moon wo Sagashite – Overview, Reviews, Cast, and List of Episodes – Crunchyroll.

Is Makoto a girl?

Makoto (まこと, マコト) is a unisex Japanese name although it is more commonly used by males….Makoto.

Gender Male/Female
Language(s) Japanese
Meaning sincerity

Does Takuto like Mitsuki?

Mitsuki was the girl he was assigned to collect her soul. However, Takuto finds himself falling in love with her. He shares his feelings with her, only to be rejected. Later on, though, she reciprocates his love and they become a couple at the end of the manga.

How many volumes are in full moon?

7 Volume
Full Moon o Sagashite Complete 7 Volume Set: 9780808877417: Books. Got a mobile device?

How many episodes does full moon Turkish have?

Dolunay/Number of episodes

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