What is a Navball?
The navball is one of the primary instruments to control the craft. Understanding the navball is critical to successful flight, both in space and in atmosphere. When the camera is not in chase mode, only the navball can tell the current orientation and what the rotation commands will perform.
How do you read a Navball?
The numerical readout at the top of navball is your current speed, and the spot you click to change navball modes. The number at the bottom is your current compass heading. Along the left side of the main screen navball is an indicator that shows your current throttle setting.
How do I change my Navball in KSP?
Go into settings DURING FLIGHT and scroll down to “FlightUI Elements” and change “NavBall Pos (Left<->Right)
How do you use navigation in Kerbal space program?
In case of survey missions, selecting one of the marks opens a short check window, clicking on the Activate Navigation activates the navigation system and targets the chosen location. The deactivation of the chosen target goes on same way. There is only one location can be targeted in the same time, naturally.
What does the purple triangle mean in KSP?
The purple triangels are Anti-Normal and Normal.
What is normal in KSP?
Normal and anti-normal The normal vectors are perpendicular to the orbital plane. Burning normal or anti-normal will change the orbital inclination. On the navball the normal and anti-normal vectors are located on the equator line directly between the prograde and retrograde markers.
How do you control RCS in KSP?
The Reaction Control System, or RCS, is a set of monopropellant-fuelled (with the exception of the Vernor Engine) thrusters primarily intended for vessel orientation in a vacuum. It is toggled on and off by pressing the R key (default key binding).
What does activating navigation do in KSP?
Activate Navigation to a Launchsite will target the chosen location and add a navigation mark in the NavBall. Players will be able to activate this feature from the Map View at any time.
How do you set maneuver nodes in KSP?
Adding a maneuver node Click on the vessel’s orbital line and a popup will give the option to add a new maneuver node. Once created, selecting and right-clicking the node gives the option to delete it. If the maneuver node has been passed, selecting it immediately puts it in “delete” mode.
How do I turn on SAS in Kerbal space program?
The system can be toggled with (by default) the T key and temporarily switched by holding down the F key (for example, if SAS is on, holding F will turn it off, and releasing F will turn it back on). The current state of the SAS system is shown by a blue light on the navball.
Why can’t I use maneuver nodes KSP?
but no ability to place maneuver nodes. You have to unlock both the second level Tracking Station and the second level Mission Control. You are looking for the “Flight Planning” upgrade. Note that it is the second level of each building, not the third.
How do I use SAS in KSP?
How does the navball work in the Kerbal Space Program?
The level indicator never moves; the navball rotates beneath it, providing a kind of cockpit window view without any window needed. For example, rotating the craft around its roll axis will turn the navball upside down. On the navball are six different types of markers as default.
Which is the most important part of the navball?
The most important part is the center ball, which shows the current orientation of the craft and multiple directions which may be important for future movements. The blue background hemisphere indicates the skyward direction (“up,” away from the center of gravity), while the brown indicates the opposite (“down,” toward gravity).
What are the prograde and retrograde indicators on navball?
In Target mode, the prograde and retrograde indicators represent the orientation of the relative velocity between the active vessel and the target. Prograde here is aligned with the relative velocity, while retrograde is against the vector.
Where are the normal and anti normal directions on the navball?
On the navball the normal and anti-normal directions are located on the equator line directly between the prograde and retrograde markers.