How long does an Olympus camera battery last?

How long does an Olympus camera battery last? Just looking through the camera, expect about 3.25 hours of battery life. Constantly changing focus – about 2.5 hours. Burst mode – about 2 full hours. Longer exposures – about 5 hours. How long does it take to charge an Olympus Li ion battery? How long does […]

What is active sheet in VBA?

What is active sheet in VBA? VBA Assumes the Active Workbook and Active Sheet The ActiveSheet is the worksheet tab that is currently selected before running the macro. If multiple sheets are selected, the ActiveSheet is the sheet that is currently being viewed. How do I make a sheet active in Excel VBA? VBA Activate […]

Is the tab S6 still worth buying?

Is the tab S6 still worth buying? The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 is a highly accomplished Android tablet. It’s great for media and almost as good for productivity. It’s expensive, but still cheaper than its main rival – the iPad Pro. However, it’s also not quite as good as Apple’s Pro range. Is the Samsung […]

What are the 4 humors of the body?

What are the 4 humors of the body? Courtesy National Library of Medicine. Greek physician Hippocrates (ca. 460 BCE–370 BCE) is often credited with developing the theory of the four humors—blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm—and their influence on the body and its emotions. What were the 4 humors and what were they associated […]

Do Baby green dragons count towards Slayer task?

Do Baby green dragons count towards Slayer task? Attack speed Unlike their adult forms, they do not breathe fire. Baby green dragons may be killed by players who have received green dragons as a slayer assignment but do not wish to kill adult green dragons in the Wilderness or their brutal counterparts in the Ancient […]

What happens if you take antacid with food?

What happens if you take antacid with food? If you are taking them for symptoms at night, do not take them with food. Antacids cannot treat more serious problems, such as appendicitis, a stomach ulcer, gallstones, or bowel problems. Talk to your provider if you have: Pain or symptoms that do not get better with […]

What is the best movie script ever written?

What is the best movie script ever written? Top Ten Best Screenplays Ever Written CASABLANCA. Screenplay by Julius J. THE GODFATHER. Screenplay by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola. CHINATOWN. Written by Robert Towne. CITIZEN KANE. Written by Herman Mankiewicz and Orson Welles. ALL ABOUT EVE. Screenplay by Joseph L. ANNIE HALL. SUNSET BLVD. NETWORK. […]

Does International SOS cover Covid?

Does International SOS cover Covid? COVID-19 IMPACT SCALES ARE EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE TO OUR CLIENTS & THEIR PEOPLE. The impact scales for each location can be accessed via International SOS Workforce Resilience services. What is International SOS Gov ser? International SOS’ ( Government Services Division provides specialized, integrated, and innovative services ensuring quality health care outcomes, […]

Is Haberman a true story?

Is Haberman a true story? In the story, the lives of a German mill owner and his family in the Sudetenland are changed dramatically as Europe heats up in 1938. The movie is based on true events and is the first major motion picture to dramatize the expulsion of 3 million Germans from Czechoslovakia. Where […]

Is the White-bellied Sea-Eagle an eagle?

Is the White-bellied Sea-Eagle an eagle? The White-bellied Sea-Eagle is a large eagle that has long broad wings and a short, wedge-shaped tail. It measures 75–85 cm in length, and has a wingspan of 180–220 cm. Adults are predominantly white and grey. The head, breast and belly, and the feathering on the legs, are white. […]

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