What does monatomic gold do for the body?

What does monatomic gold do for the body?

Metallic gold is inert and has no effect in the body, as opposed to gold salts, which are powerful and potentially dangerous medications, now seldom used for rheumatic diseases. Avoid “monatomic gold” supplements.

What is ormus and how does it work?

ORMUS is an alchemical formula of monatomic minerals that heightens consciousness, repairs DNA, and restores balance in the system. ORMUS is an alchemical formula of monatomic minerals that heightens consciousness, repairs DNA, and restores balance in the system.

Which ormus is best?

Purple Gold ormus/Manna 2oz: The Best Choice for ormus: Made with Real Gold, Made by Real alchemists: Made in Small batches: Simply The Most Potent Ormus You Can Buy: Comes in an EMF Protecting Bag.

What is ormus good for?

Benefits of ORMUS include: Improved brain function. Greater emotional balance. Cellular rejuvenation. Body purification & detoxification.

How do you use ormus?

For Best Results – Take Atomic Ormus in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum absorption. The second time is best taken 15 min prior to Meditation, Yoga or Martial Arts where focus is required.

What is ormus supplement?

ORMUS is a beneficial alkaline mineral supplement that supports good health/wellness and an ability to get in-touch with yourself. Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, also known as ORMEs and the terms ORMUS and M-state materials, exist naturally. Minerals are indispensable to life in all its forms.

How do you use ormus on plants?

FOLIAR SPRAY– Mix 5 to 10ml into one litre of water. Apply to upper and lower leaf surface during first two application which ideally should be three days apart. Apply weekly as a lower volume spray to maintain plant life force.

How do you take energold?

On Energold’s website, recommended dosage is two tablespoons a day. Increase or decrease dosage according to your needs. But no need to dilute it.

What are the benefits of Ormus gold supplementation?

Ormus elements are thought to be responsible for the superconducting properties of living organisms. Studies have shown the ability of gold supplementation to increase brain function.

Who was the first person to discover Ormus gold?

The history of Ormus gold dates back to 1975 where a farmer in Arizona by the name of David Hudson first discovered Ormus monoatomic gold. One day when he was tilling the soil, he came upon a strange material that he did not recognize. He decided to take the material and lay it out in the sun so it could dry out for further examination.

Why did Ormus gold burst into a stream of light?

One day when he was tilling the soil, he came upon a strange material that he did not recognize. He decided to take the material and lay it out in the sun so it could dry out for further examination. However, the substance to his shock, burst into a stream of light before completely evaporating.

Why are Ormus elements important to living organisms?

Ormus (Orbitally-Rearranged-Metal-Under-Study) is a recently re-discovered type of matter in a monatomic (or more accurately “cooper-paired”) high-spin state, a state between pure matter and pure energy. Ormus elements are thought to be responsible for the superconducting properties of living organisms.

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