What skin infection is common during puberty?

What skin infection is common during puberty?

Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal skin infection caused by a type of yeast. It’s a common cause of skin rash in teens and young adults. It causes lots of round and oval-shaped patches on the skin, especially on the chest, back, and upper arms. It’s also called tinea versicolor.

How does skin change during puberty?

As puberty progresses, hormones stimulate these glands to make more sebum and they often become overactive and make too much sebum, leading to clogging of the pores with excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria.

Can puberty cause skin rashes?

Skin disorders that tend to start during adolescence include: Acne. Seborrhoeic dermatitis. Pityriasis versicolor.

What does tinea versicolor look like?

Tinea versicolor appears as many white, pink, salmon-colored, tan, or brown patches ranging in size from 1–3 cm. The individual lesions can join together to form large patches. Most lesions have a very fine, dust-like outer skin material (scale).

Can puberty cause skin discoloration?

These marks range from tan to very dark brown and are caused by an overproduction of pigment at birth or during puberty and hormonal shifts. The Affiliated Dermatology team offers several solutions to eliminate or lighten these skin discolorations with no downtime.

What is the most common skin problem of adolescence?

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that adolescents experience. Other commonly occurring conditions include psoriasis, eczema and contact dermatitis.

Can puberty cause eczema?

Some people said their eczema had changed during puberty, which they linked with hormones. Sometimes eczema became worse but for others, it could improve for a while.

What are types of skin diseases?


  • eczema.
  • psoriasis.
  • acne.
  • rosacea.
  • ichthyosis.
  • vitiligo.
  • hives.
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

What kind of skin problems can you get during puberty?

Skin problems during puberty Acne is a very common skin condition that causes different types of bumps. Many teens and pre-teens get acne because of the hormonal changes that occur with puberty. causing acne to appear on the back, upper chest, neck, shoulders and most commonly, the face.

What causes pimples and acne in puberty?

A pimple starts when the pores in the skin become clogged with a type of oil called sebum, which normally lubricates the skin and hair. Acne is common during puberty when hormones go into overdrive, causing the skin to overproduce sebum.

Which is the most common skin condition in teens?

By far the most common teens skin condition, acne is a highly treatable skin condition that can be managed well in partnership with your dermatologist. Acne occurs when the pores in the skin become clogged.

Is it common for teens to have atopic dermatitis?

Teens with eczema and atopic dermatitis can experience shame, thinking that they may spread their skin condition to others, so it’s important for them to understand their condition is not contagious. Eczema is actually most common in infants and children, and it can often improve with age and even go away.

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