Why was Mass Effect not on PS3?

Why was Mass Effect not on PS3?

No, it’s definitely due to Microsoft. Microsoft is the publisher of the Xbox version and the PC version was published by EA for Microsoft (it’s for Windows, after all). As the publisher, Microsoft shelled out a lot of money to get the game developed, manufactured, and marketed.

Is Mass Effect 1 still worth playing?

Even with better Mako handling and updated combat, the first Mass Effect still manages to feel the most distinct among the games in the trilogy. Even though there’s some degree of clunkiness still present in the original Mass Effect, it’s definitely worth playing today.

Do you have to play Mass Effect 1 and 2 to play 3?

The answer is yes, you absolutely must. There are a few reasons why you should play the Mass Effect trilogy in order, and not just because that’s the way the story was written – there are severe consequences to not playing Mass Effect, then ME2, then ME3 – it’s a matter of life and death.

Can you play Mass Effect 1 PS4?

According to a BioWare blog post, Mass Effect Legendary Edition will be available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. So gamers will need at least an Xbox One X, PS4 Pro, or one of the next-gen consoles to experience this remaster in all its glory.

When did Mass Effect come out on ps3?

November 16, 2007
Mass Effect/Initial release dates

When did Mass Effect 3 release?

March 6, 2012
Mass Effect 3/Initial release dates

Should you play Mass Effect 1 first?

Yes. Mass Effect 1, which was released before its sequels, was made so that you can play it without having played the subsequent games. It also starts the story of the Mass Effect series, so if you are interested in the story, it is a good place to start.

Do I need to play Mass Effect 1 to play 2?

Yes. Mass Effect 1, which was released before its sequels, was made so that you can play it without having played the subsequent games.

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