What is Depressogenic attributional style?

What is Depressogenic attributional style?

(1989) described depressogenic attributional style as “the general tendency to make negative attributions and inferences about the causes, consequences, and implications of stressful events”.

Which Attributional styles are linked to depression?

Individuals who are depressed exhibit a negative attributional style. They tend to consistently attribute negative events to sources that are internal, stable, and global.

What is a global attributional style?

A global attribution occurs when an individual attributes an outcome to a factor they perceive to be consistent, irrespective of context. A specific attribution occurs when an individual attributes an outcome to a factor only relevant in the specific context or setting of the experience.

What is a negative attributional style?

You have a negative attributional style if you think a negative event has happened to you because of something inside you. Something internal. For example, “I failed the maths test because I am no good at maths”.

How can Attributional style influence the likelihood of developing depression?

042) attributions for positive events. Similarly, anxiety showed significant positive correlations with internal (τ = . 218, p = . 003) and global (τ = .

What are the different attributional styles?

When people experience positive or negative events, they often wonder why the event occurred. In order to answer this question, people make causal attributions based upon three basic dimensions: internal-external, stable-unstable, and global-specific.

What are the three factors of Seligman’s Attributional model?

The three-dimensional model of attribution posits that the explanations people give for the things that happen to them can vary on three distinct factors, and these variations have consequences for people’s mood, self-perception, and well-being.

What is maladaptive attributional style?

In general, these studies find that a maladaptive (or pessimistic) attributional style consists of attributing bad outcomes to internal, stable, global, and uncontrollable causes (self-blame) and good out- comes to external, unstable, specific, and uncontrolla- ble causes (e.g., Alfano, Joiner, & Perry, 1994; Anderson …

What are individual Attributional styles?

Attributional style, sometimes known as explanatory style, refers to the ways in which people explain the cause of events within their lives. When people experience positive or negative events, they often wonder why the event occurred.

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