Are ridges good for deer hunting?

Are ridges good for deer hunting?

Simply put, deer tend to follow the path of least resistance, and saddles between two (or more) ridges offer the easiest travel route. That makes them great for setting up ambush stands.

Should you hunt ridges or bottoms?

Strategy to elevate your odds of success. Most deer sign is found in low-lying areas, and because of that, many hunters set up there. However, the author has found that most of the time, you’re better off spending your time on a nearby ridgetop.

Which way should I face my deer decoy?

If you’re using a doe decoy, always face it away from you. Again, you can angle it, but make sure it’s facing away from your stand. Bucks coming in to doe decoys are most interested in the hind end of the doe.

Do deer move on ridges or valleys?

Ridges are used as travel ways and sometimes barriers by deer. Deer will generally not walk down the top of a ridge but will instead travel along the ridge a third or quarter of the way down, usually on the downwind side.

What is the best time to use a deer decoy?

The best time to use decoys for deer hunting is pre-rut and rut. Two to three weeks before the rut or peak breeding hits in an area is a great time. During these weeks, bucks are starting to break up out of their bachelor groups as they begin to establish their home ranges.

Should I use a doe decoy during rut?

For example, during the rut, estrus doe and young buck decoys are typically the most effective for luring in a buck. If they’re trying to find other deer to feed with, set up a feeding doe decoy. If they’re more interested in socializing with other deer, try your luck with a decoy set up in a bedded position.

What elevation do whitetails like?

Northwest whitetails often live above 6,000 feet elevation, alongside elk in most of its range, commonly sharing its habitat with mule deer.

Do deer like ridges or valleys?

Imagine a ridge with a small dip in the middle of it, this is a saddle. Deer naturally prefer traveling on the path of least resistance and when a low spot in a ridge or hill is present, it provides deer a naturally easier way to cross.

Where to place a decoy for a whitetail deer?

I prefer to place decoys in the edge of an open field or clearing that provides maximum visibility. Many times a buck will approach the decoy along the edge of the field or woods and then circle into the woods to approach the deke head-on.

What’s the best way to hunt with a decoy?

The top priority when hunting with a decoy is for your prey to see it. Analyze the terrain around your setup and consider where deer are most likely to travel. Put yourself in the place of the deer and consider where they will most easily see your decoy.

What are the advantages of decoying a deer?

One of the advantages of using a decoy is that deer will parade around the decoy and give you plenty of time to draw and make a good shot once the buck has presents a broadside or quartering-away angle. Of course, this is easier said than done.

Can a deer be suspicious of a decoy?

Using scents and calls can add realism to your decoy setup, but when used wrongly can sabotage your efforts. Just like a deer spooks when he keeps hearing a call, but doesn’t see a decoy, he may become suspicious if your decoy doesn’t have some scent or vocalizations accompanying it.

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