What does the word wabi-sabi mean?

What does the word wabi-sabi mean?

the beauty of age
But loosely translated, “wabi” is simplicity, whether elegant or rustic; “sabi” means the beauty of age and wear.

What does the word Yugen meaning?

Yūgen (幽玄) is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. The exact translation of the word depends on the context. In the Chinese philosophical texts the term was taken from, yūgen meant “dim”, “deep” or “mysterious”.

What does wobbly Sobby mean?

Wabi sabi (wobby sobby) is a Japanese term that is difficult to say without smiling that describes a profound way of viewing relationships with oneself, other people, and life in general.

What does WABA mean in Japanese?

Wabi means things that are fresh and simple. It denotes simplicity and quietude, and also incorporates rustic beauty. It includes both that which is made by nature, and that which is made by man.

What is the best definition of Yugen?

Yūgen (幽玄) is an important concept in traditional Japanese aesthetics. Yūgen is said to mean “a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering”. Yūgen suggests that beyond what can be said but is not an allusion to another world.

What is Natsukashii?

Natsukashii is a Japanese word used when something evokes a fond memory from your past. It’s a word you exclaim as a smile creeps across your face. For instance, when you hear a song you loved as a teenager, or when you come across an old train ticket stub in your pocket.

How do you use Yugen in a sentence?

yugen in a sentence

  1. In 1996, the company was established as a yugen kaisha.
  2. With his first wife, Hettie Jones, he published Yugen, a respected poetry journal.
  3. In March 2008, Iyama participated in the 1st Yugen Cup, a tournament pitting veteran professionals against newly promoted youngsters.

Where does the term Shibui come from in Japanese?

Originating in the Muromachi period (1336–1392) as “shibushi,” the term originally referred to a sour or astringent taste, such as that of an unripe persimmon. Shibui still maintains that literal meaning, and remains the antonym of “amai,” meaning “sweet.”

What are the seven qualities of a shibui object?

Shibui objects are not necessarily imperfect or asymmetrical, although they can include these qualities. The seven elements of shibusa are simplicity, implicity, modesty, naturalness, everydayness, imperfection, and silence.

What is the beauty of the Shibui tea ceremony?

Shibui beauty in Tea Ceremony is in the artistry of the viewer. Shibusa’s sanctuary of silence is non-dualism—the resolution of opposites. Its foundation is intuition coupled with faith and beauty revealing phases of truth and the worship and reverence for life.

Who is an example of a shibui athlete?

The apparent effortlessness displayed by athletes such as tennis player Roger Federer and hockey great Wayne Gretzky are examples of shibumi in personal performance. Gropius,Walter; Tange, Kenzo; Ishimoto, Yasuhiro (1960), Katsura. “Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan”. Leach, Bernard (1976) A Potter’s Book.

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