What census records are available in Ireland?

What census records are available in Ireland?

There are two complete sets of census returns currently available, in 1901 and 1911. A census was undertaken in Ireland from 1821 onwards from which statistical data and reports were complied.

Can I access the census for free?

However, you can view them free of charge on site at The National Archives in Kew, at many libraries and record offices and at FamilySearch Centres worldwide. Many local and county record offices also hold microfilm or microfiche copies of the census returns for their own area, excluding 1911.

Where can I find the US Census records?

You can access census records in a variety of ways: View digitized census records online through one of our partners, linked from our Census Resources page. View our complete list of Records Digitized by Our Digitization Partners Visit the National Archives Building in Washington, DC,…

Where can I find a copy of the 1790 census?

The National Archives has the census schedules on microfilm available from 1790 to 1940, and online access is available through our digitization partners (free at any National Archives facility). See our Census Resources page to search the digitized records on our partners’ websites.

Where can I find the 1940 US Census?

Most researchers find it helpful to begin with the 1940 Census and work backwards to locate people in earlier generations. The National Archives has the census schedules on microfilm available from 1790 to 1940, and online access is available through our digitization partners (free at any National Archives facility).

Where can I find a copy of the 1911 census?

However, you can view them free of charge on site at The National Archives in Kew, at many libraries and record offices and at FamilySearch Centres worldwide. Many local and county record offices also hold microfilm or microfiche copies of the census returns for their own area, excluding 1911.

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