What color should I paint my Tau?

What color should I paint my Tau?

For Tau models, consider starting with a Citadel Contrast color such as Black Templar, painted over a white or light gray undercoat. This will help you find the natural shadows and highlight areas, as well as help you darken the panel lines.

What do female Tau look like?

So, thanks to Shadowsun, we know what a female Tau looks like – they have more delicate, feminized features, and they have a Y shaped breathing slit where the males have a vertical slit. But, they don’t stop there, they also make female specific torsos and arms, to make them more slender and feminized.

What are Citadel contrast paints?

Citadel Contrast Paints by Games Workshop are a specially formulated, revolutionary acrylic paint. Contrast paints are designed to base, shade, and highlight your models all in a single application, drastically cutting down the time you spend painting your armies.

Who are the Tau in 40K Warhammer?

The Tau (or T’au) are a xenomorph race in the Games Workshop 40k Warhammer Universe. The Tau Empire is a technologically advanced xeno species that exist within close proximity to the Milky Way Galaxy on the fringes of the Imperium of Man (humans).

What are the colors of the Tau Empire?

There are numerous T’au septs within the Tau empire ( source ). Each T’au sept has its own sept symbol and color scheme. Here are a few of the official Tau sept color schemes: T’aun – Dark gray with uniforms in white and black D’Yanoi – Light blue with brown or white with red accented uniforms

Where to put a third colour in Warhammer?

If you’re going to go to the trouble of adding a third, you definitely want it to stand out. The rims of shoulder pads, spirit stones of the Aeldari, and feathers on the Seraphon are all great places to add an accent. A third colour will pull your entire scheme together – especially if used in small quantities that pop out from the rest.

What kind of paint to use on Tau Army?

When it comes to painting a Tau army red, I’ve discovered a myriad of ways you can adjust hue and value to create stunning miniatures. Red is one of the easiest acrylic paints to use, since red hobby paints have excellent coverage and color saturation.

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