What is the meaning of the word nosedive?

What is the meaning of the word nosedive?

1 : a downward nose-first plunge of a flying object (such as an airplane) 2 : a sudden extreme drop stock prices took a nosedive. Other Words from nosedive Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About nosedive.

What is the synonym of nosedive?

The catamaran sailed over the precipice and plunged into a nosedive. Synonyms. drop. plunge. the stock market plunge.

Is nosedive an idiom?

To suddenly and rapidly begin to decline in physical, emotional, or psychological health or stability; to suffer a sudden loss or decline in value or success. My father held out bravely in his fight against cancer, but I’m afraid he’s gone into a nosedive in the last couple of weeks.

Is nosedive a verb?

a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline: a time when market values were in a nosedive. verb (used without object), nose·dived or nose·dove, nose·dived, nose·div·ing. Also nose-dive . to go into a nosedive: a warning that prices might nosedive.

What is meaning of eclipsing?

Full Definition of eclipse (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : the total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another. b : the passing into the shadow of a celestial body — compare occultation, transit. 2 : a falling into obscurity or decline also : the state of being eclipsed his reputation has fallen into eclipse.

What is a swoop?

A swoop is an impressive movement best demonstrated by a bird. If a bird is high in the air, then moves down quickly, making an arc or loop, that’s an example of a swoop. People can also swoop — three muggers might swoop in on a victim, for example.

What is a antonym for plummeting?

Opposite of to fall down, especially after losing one’s balance. rise. uprise. ascend. get up.

Why is the episode called Nosedive?

Later, Brooker wrote either a three or four page outline for the episode, wanting it to be “comedic, darkly”. This version took inspiration from 1987 film Planes, Trains and Automobiles, in which the character is on a journey—for “Nosedive”, this was initially a character travelling to an important work presentation.

What is the message of black mirror Nosedive?

Black Mirror’s episode Nosedive focuses on a society where everything is perfect and based on one’s ranking.

How do you use Nosedive in a sentence?

1. Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis. 2. The plane roared overhead and went into a nosedive.

What is the past tense of Nosedive?

nosedive ​Definitions and Synonyms

present tense
I/you/we/they nosedive
he/she/it nosedives
present participle nosediving
past tense nosedived

Which is the best definition of the word nosedive?

Definition of nosedive. 1 : a downward nose-first plunge of a flying object (such as an airplane) 2 : a sudden extreme drop stock prices took a nosedive. Other Words from nosedive Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about nosedive.

Who is the actor in the movie nosedive?

Starring Bryce Dallas Howard as Lacie, “Nosedive” is set in a perfect world where everything is bright and pastel-colored, including the clothes, houses, and furniture. Everything is pleasant and idyllic in this not-so-distant future. However, a very dark social media world hides behind its perfectness.

What does it mean when stock prices take a nosedive?

1 : a downward nose-first plunge of a flying object (such as an airplane) 2 : a sudden extreme drop stock prices took a nosedive.

What is the story of Nosedive on Instagram?

However, a very dark social media world hides behind its perfectness. The story of “Nosedive” is centered around Lacie and how she fairs in this society where people are scored in an app that’s very similar to Instagram. In the app, the lowest score is 0 and the highest score is 5.

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