What is the treatment for a Pseudocyst?

What is the treatment for a Pseudocyst?

Treatments of pancreatic pseudocysts include conservative treatment (watchful monitoring), surgical drainage, which can be performed through a standard cut (open surgical drainage) or by key-hole surgery (laparoscopic surgical drainage), or endoscopic drainage.

Can a Pseudocyst be removed?

Pseudocyst Treatment Often pseudocysts get better and go away on their own. If a pseudocyst is small and not causing serious symptoms, a doctor may want to monitor it with periodic CT scans. If the pseudocyst persists, gets larger, or causes pain, it will require surgical treatment.

How is splenic infarction treated?

Splenic infarct in the non-infectious setting may be treated with analgesics, hydration, anti-emetics and other means of supportive care. In the case of traumatic splenic injury, abnormal vasculature or hemodynamic instability, the surgical evaluation may be required.

What is a splenic pseudocyst?

Splenic pseudocysts, also known as secondary splenic cysts, are acquired cystic lesions not delineated by a true epithelial wall. They represent the majority of the splenic cystic lesions, corresponding to approximately 80% of them (cf. splenic epithelial cysts).

How long do pseudocysts last?

The maturation period of pancreatic pseudocysts is reported to be approximately 2 to 6 weeks, and during this time, 33% of cysts are expected to spontaneously resolve. However, a substantial number of persistent cysts require treatment, owing to potential complications such as infection, hemorrhage, and cyst rupture.

When should you drain a pseudocyst?

Indications for drainage are presence of symptoms, enlargement of cyst, complications (infection, hemorrhage, rupture, and obstruction), and suspicion of malignancy. The available forms of therapy include percutaneous drainage, transendoscopic approach, and surgery.

Is a splenic infarct painful?

A splenic infarction is an ischemic injury to the spleen. It most commonly presents with severe, sharp pain, with a quarter of patients presenting with classic left upper quadrant pain and about half with pain elsewhere in the abdomen; a significant portion have no abdominal pain.

What does splenic infarction feel like?

Approximately one third of splenic infarcts are clinically occult. The most common presenting symptom is left-upper-quadrant abdominal pain (up to 70%). Additional symptoms include fever and chills, nausea and vomiting, pleuritic chest pain, and left shoulder pain (Kehr sign).

What are Pseudocysts?

Pancreatic pseudocysts are collections of leaked pancreatic fluids. They may form next to the pancreas during pancreatitis. The pancreas is an organ that sits behind your stomach. It makes fluids that flow through a duct into the small intestine. These fluids help you digest food.

What causes splenic abscess?

Splenic abscesses are most regularly seen as complications of infective endocarditis, which occurs in about 5% of patients. Frequently, isolated pathogens include Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, (due to endocarditis being the most common cause of splenic abscess), Mycobacterium, fungi, and parasites.

What is considered a large pseudocyst?

Pancreatic pseudocysts are a known complication of acute and chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pseudocysts over 8 weeks are less likely to resolve spontaneously and, as the risk of complications increases with time, treatment of large pseudocysts (>5 cm) should not be postponed 6.

How big is a pseudocyst?

Pancreatic pseudocysts are a relatively common complication of pancreatitis and chronic alcoholism. Giant pancreatic pseudocyst is a term traditionally used when the pesudocyst is greater than 10 cm in size. However, pseudocysts larger than 20 cm have been rarely reported.

How is a splenic pseudocyst treated in humans?

Splenic pseudocysts mostly remain asymptomatic and require treatment only when they become symptomatic. Usually, only large cysts produce symptoms and are surgically treated by splenectomy or in some cases by splenic preservation surgery as in our second case.

How is a pseudocyst of the spleen different from other cysts?

Pseudocysts do not have epithelial lining and are usually post-traumatic or inflammatory/degenerative [ 2 ]. It is important to distinguish pseudocyst of spleen from other benign/malignant splenic cysts, especially from hydatid cysts in order to follow the right treatment and management option.

What are the complications of a pancreatic pseudocyst?

Six patients with pancreatic pseudocyst involving the spleen have been presented. The complications reported included massive hemorrhage into the pseudocyst, sepsis with splenic infarction, and splenic vein thrombosis. The diagnosis of intrasplenic pseudocyst based on clinical findings alone is diff …

What are the main causes of splenic cysts?

They represent the majority of the splenic cystic lesions, corresponding to approximately 80% of them (c.f. splenic epithelial cysts). The main causes are: splenic trauma. splenic infarction. locoregional inflammation: e.g. intrasplenic pancreatic pseudocyst.

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