Which is the largest volcano in the world?

Which is the largest volcano in the world?

Mauna Loa
Massive oceanic shield volcanoes of Hawaii, such as Mauna Loa (4,170 m elevation) and Mauna Kea (4,205 m elevation), rise as much as 9,000 m above the sea floor. These volcanoes are by far the world’s largest by volume, dwarfing the continental-margin stratovolcanoes of the Andes.

What are the top 10 famous volcanoes?

Full List

  • Mount Vesuvius.
  • Krakatoa.
  • Mount St. Helens.
  • Mount Tambora.
  • Mauna Loa.
  • Eyjafjallajokull.
  • Mount Pelée.
  • Thera.

What are the 3 tallest volcanoes in the world?

The Tallest Volcanoes in the World

Rank Volcano Height (Meters)
1 Ojos del Salado 6,893
2 Monte Pissis 6,793
3 Nevado Tres Cruces 6,748
4 Llullaillaco 6,739

Which is the biggest volcano in India?

Stratovolcano 354 m / 1,161 ft. Barren Island, a possession of India in the Andaman Sea about 135 km NE of Port Blair in the Andaman Islands, is the only historically active volcano along the N-S-trending volcanic arc extending between Sumatra and Burma (Myanmar).

Is there volcano in India?

This is a list of active, dormant and extinct volcanoes in India….Download coordinates as: KML.

Name Barren Island
Location Coordinates 12.278°N 93.858°E
State Andaman Islands
Last eruption Active since 2017
Type Stratovolcano, Active

What are the 5 main volcanoes?

The top five biggest volcanic eruptions

  1. 1 – Mount Tambora.
  2. 2 – Mount Krakatoa.
  3. 3 – Mount Pelée.
  4. 4 – Mount Ruiz. Mount Ruiz in Columbia, South America, had two destructive eruptions in 1985.
  5. 5 – Mount Vesuvius. In Italy in AD 79, this volcano devastated the nearby cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

What are the 5 biggest volcanoes in the world?

Height of select volcanoes worldwide (in meters)

Volcano, location Height in meters
Mount Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)* 5,895
Popocatépetl Volcano (Mexico) 5,426
Mauna Loa (Hawaii, United States)* 4,169
Mount Fuji (Tokyo, Japan) 3,776

What is the smallest volcano?

The Cuexcomate
We usually think of volcanoes as huge formations in inaccessible areas, but we want to tell you about one that breaks this stereotype. The Cuexcomate is known as “the smallest volcano in the world” and it is located just 15 minutes away from downtown Puebla in central Mexico.

Is there any volcano in Pakistan?

Tor Zawar. Tor Zawar volcano is located at Tor Zawar mountain in the Ziarat region of west-central Pakistan. It is the only known volcano that has been active in Pakistan in recent times. No previous volcanic activity is known from this area.

Which is the oldest volcano?

Etna on the island of Sicily, in Italy. How old is the oldest volcano? The oldest volcano is probably Etna and that is about 350,000 years old. Most of the active volcanoes that we know about seem to be less than 100,000 years old.

Which is India’s only active volcano?

the Barren Island volcano
If you took a ferry from the southeast Indian city of Chennai, it will take you 58 hours to reach Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Four-hour sail from there, you will get to see India’s only active volcano, the Barren Island volcano..

What are the 6 types of volcanoes?

Volcanic eruptions may fall into six major types: Icelandic, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, Pelean, and Plinian.

What are the top ten most dangerous volcanoes?

Most dangerous volcanoes of the world 10. Mauna Loa (Hawaii – Apri 15, 1984) 9. Taal Volcano (Philippines – 1977) 8. Ulawun ( Papua New Guinea – 2013) 7. MT. Nyiragongo ( Democratic Republic of Congo – 2016) 6. MT. Merapi (Indonesia – May 11, 2018) 5. Galeras (Colombia – 1988) 4. Sakurajima (Japan – 1914) 3. Popocatepetl (Mexico – 2004) 2. MT.

What are the 10 most famous volcanoes?

Top 10 Most Famous Volcanoes in the World 10. Cotopaxi , Ecuador 9. Mount Etna, Italy 8. Popocatépetl, Central Mexico 7. Krakatoa (Krakatau), Indonesia 6. Mount Mayon , Philippines 5. Mount Pinatubo , Philippines 4. Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland 3. Mount Fuji, Japan 2. Mount St. Helens Volcano, Washington

What is the worlds worst volcano?

If you are wondering what is the worlds worst volcano in terms of death toll it is Mount Tambora, it killed over 80,000 people in 1800s. Of course, it is fate that mount Tambora is in Indonesia.

What are the most powerful volcanoes in the world?

Mount Bromo. Mount Bromo and the surrounding volcanoes which are part of the Tengger Caldera,Java Indonesia.

  • Augustine Volcano. The Augustine eruption of 2006,located at Cook Inlet,Alaska.
  • Puyehue.
  • Fimmvorduhals.
  • Mount Yasur.
  • Sakurajima.
  • Mount Etna.
  • Kalapana.
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