What is special about the number 38?

What is special about the number 38? 38 is the sum of the squares of the first three primes. 37 and 38 are the first pair of consecutive positive integers not divisible by any of their digits. 38 is the largest even number which cannot be written as the sum of two odd composite numbers. […]

What reforms did Napoleon introduce in Europe?

What reforms did Napoleon introduce in Europe? What reforms did Napoleon introduce during his rise to power? Napoleon encouraged loyal emigres to return and he allowed peasants to keep lands they got from nobles or the church. He also established the Napoleonic code, which granted equality, religious toleration, and abolished feudalism. How did the Napoleonic […]

Does Maryland have hiking trails?

Does Maryland have hiking trails? Maryland Hiking Trails Maryland is a trail hiking haven with routes ranging from coastal to forest and mountainous to flat. Lace up your boots and hike to the top of stunning Cunningham Falls, stop to explore a Civil War era Fort Foot, or search for ancient fossils along the beautiful […]

What does Senate Foreign Relations Committee do?

What does Senate Foreign Relations Committee do? Treaties. The Foreign Relations Committee is the only committee in the Senate with jurisdiction to deliberate and report treaties that have been submitted by the President for the Senate to consider. Similar to issue hearings, the committee conducts public hearings on each treaty. What power does the Senate […]

How can I prepare for SBI Clerk?

How can I prepare for SBI Clerk? How to Prepare for SBI Clerk 2021 Important topics in SBI Clerk syllabus 2021. SBI Clerk Study Plan. Read regularly. Understand the concepts and basics. Practice diligently. Time management. Practice Mock tests. Accuracy Matters. What is memory based paper in SBI Clerk? It is a memory-based question paper […]

Why was Lehman Brothers so important?

Why was Lehman Brothers so important? Lehman Brothers was one of the first Wall Street firms to move into the business of mortgage origination. In 1997, Lehman bought Colorado-based lender Aurora Loan Services, an Alt-A lender. Lehman quickly became a force in the subprime market. By 2003 Lehman made $18.2 billion in loans and ranked […]

What is Atkinson flexible firm model?

What is Atkinson flexible firm model? The Flexible-Firm Model was proposed in 1984 by John Atkinson of the Institute of Manpower Studies. He suggested that organisational structures require increased plasticity in a fluctuating market and unpredictable and competitive business environment. What is a flexible firm definition? The flexible firm model is an arrangement in which […]

Are tattoos common in New Zealand?

Are tattoos common in New Zealand? A large proportion of New Zealanders now have tattoos of some sort, and there is “growing acceptance …as a means of cultural and individual expression.” What do New Zealand tattoos mean? Tā moko – the art of Māori tattoo – is a unique expression of cultural heritage and identity. […]

What does a 2005 klr650 weigh?

What does a 2005 klr650 weigh? 412.3 lbs Water cooled, 652cc, Single, DOHC Power: 42.15 HP (31 kW) @ 7000 rpm Final drive: Chain Top speed: 95.69 mph Curb weight: 412.3 lbs Category: Offroad How much does a 2010 KLR 650 weigh? 432 lbs. Curb weight: 432 lbs. Fuel capacity: 6.1 gal. Wheelbase: 58.3 in. […]

Who won money in the bank in 2013?

Who won money in the bank in 2013? Damien Sandow Damien Sandow Wins World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Match. When you can start off a pay-per-view with a match like this, you know you’re in line for a special show. Who won the Money in the Bank matches? Seven matches were contested at […]

Where is Shani Davis now?

Where is Shani Davis now? Davis, 37, spent recent days coaching at a competition in the Netherlands, wearing a China jacket. He is coaching Chinese junior skaters a little more than two years before the Beijing Winter Games, according to NOS. Davis ends one of the greatest careers in U.S. Olympic history. How many medals […]

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