What is Cytoadherence definition?

What is Cytoadherence definition?

As described above, cytoadherence, which we believe may lead to some aspects of disease severity, is a process where mature pRBC erythrocytic stages escape from splenic clearance by binding to endothelial cells and promoting parasite growth in a relatively hypoxic environment.

What is malaria?

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans. People who get malaria are typically very sick with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness. Four kinds of malaria parasites infect humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P.

What is sequestration in malaria?

Sequestration, the adherence of infected erythrocytes containing late developmental stages of the parasite (trophozoites and schizonts) to the endothelium of capillaries and venules, is characteristic of Plasmodium falciparum infections.

What is agglutination in malaria?

Red blood cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum can adhere to each other and so form large autoagglutinates. We show that this phenotype is common in field isolates and is strongly associated with severe malaria.

What causes Cytoadherence?

Cytoadherence is the property of Plasmodium falciparum-infected RBC to adhere to various host cell types such as endothelial cells and uninfected red cells, causing the parasite to sequester in deep vascular beds and avoid splenic clearance. Cytoadherence and sequestration are distinct features of P.

Is Plasmodium a protein?

They encode high-molecular-mass proteins of >300 kDa that are expressed in late schizonts and localized to the apical end of the merozoite. Antibodies to these proteins can inhibit merozoite invasion of RBCs. A number of Plasmodium species cause malaria in humans.

What is the epidemiology of malaria?

The Institute for Health Metrics and Epidemiology (IHME) reported malaria deaths peaked at 1.82 million in 2004 and fell to 1.24 million in 2010 (714,000 children <5 years and 524,000 individuals ≥5 years); over 85 percent of the deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa [6,7].

What is chloroquine?

Chloroquine phosphate is used to prevent and treat malaria. It is also used to treat amebiasis. Chloroquine phosphate is in a class of drugs called antimalarials and amebicides. It works by killing the organisms that cause malaria and amebiasis.

What is malaria Cytoadherence?

Definition. Cytoadherence is the property of Plasmodium falciparum-infected RBC to adhere to various host cell types such as endothelial cells and uninfected red cells, causing the parasite to sequester in deep vascular beds and avoid splenic clearance.

What is RBC sequestration?

What is the pathogenesis of malaria?

Malarial infection begins when a person is bitten by an infected female anopheles mosquito and Plasmodium spp (species) parasites in the form of sporozoites are injected into the bloodstream. The sporozoites travel to the liver, multiplying asexually over the next 7–10 days. During this time there are no symptoms.

What is the shape of Plasmodium?

The gametocytes of Plasmodium falciparum have a characteristic banana-shape.

What is the meaning of the word cytoadherence?

cytoadhere: cytoadhere (English) Origin & history cyto- + adhere Verb (cytology) To exhibit cytoadherence. cytoadherent: cytoadherent (English) Origin & history cyto- + adherent Adjective cytoadherent (comparative more cytoadherent, superlative most cytoadherent) Relating to, or exhibiting…

How is cytoadherence of red blood cells implicated in malaria?

Cytoadherence of infected red blood cells to brain endothelium is causally implicated in malarial coma, one of the severe manifestations of falciparum malaria. Cytoadherence is mediated by specific binding of variant parasite antigens, expressed on the surface of infected erythrocytes, to endothelial receptors including, ICAM-1, VCAM and CD36.

What is the meaning of the term ” philosophy “?

What is Philosophy? What is Philosophy? Quite literally, the term “philosophy” means, “love of wisdom.” In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.

How can you use philosophy in a sentence?

Examples of philosophy in a Sentence. The APIs are robust, the tools are good (and getting better), the design philosophy is coherent, and the platform as a whole has a direction.

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