What does zonked mean in slang?

What does zonked mean in slang?

highly intoxicated
zonked. / (zɒŋkt) / adjective slang. highly intoxicated from drugs or alcohol. utterly exhausted.

What is the colloquial equivalent of zonked out?

Synonyms for zonked-out. blasted. [slang], blitzed.

What can I say instead of yuck?

Yuck synonyms In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for yuck, like: yuk, ugh, ewww, urgh, aargh and Grrrr.

Does zonked mean high?

[usually: be + ~][Slang.] Slang Termsaffected by or as if by alcohol or drugs; high. Slang Termsexhausted or asleep:He was zonked after his long day.

Where did the phrase zonked come from?

While the origin of ZONKED is not clear, it is possible it derives from conked out (meaning broken down). The Z may be from the use of ZZZ to denote sleeping.

What does it mean to be zonked out?

verb. (intr, adverb) slang to fall asleep, esp from physical exhaustion or the effects of alcohol or drugs.

What does zonked mean in the military?

Zonk- Unofficial army command. Typically used during PT (physical training) formation as a way of dismissing a unit from duty. After the command of “Zonk!!” is given the entire unit runs off screaming and shouting to their barracks rooms or cars.

Is dump a bad word?

An unpleasant, dirty, disreputable, unfashionable, boring or depressing looking place. This place looks like a dump. Don’t feel bad about moving away from this dump. (vulgar, slang, often with the verb “take”, euphemistic) An act of defecation; a defecating.

How do you express yuck?


  1. faugh,
  2. fie,
  3. phew,
  4. phooey,
  5. rats,
  6. ugh,
  7. yech.
  8. (or yecch)

What zonked out mean?

How do you use zonked in a sentence?

Zonked sentence example There will be – I’m just zonked after 6 hours traveling at the mo! There will be – I ‘m just zonked after 6 hours traveling at the mo ! Edith stared straight ahead, looking as zonked as Gladys was well on her way to becoming.

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