What is Icpak full?

What is Icpak full?

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) was established in 1978.

Who owns Icpak?

Governance. ICPAK is governed by a twelve-person council is chaired by Julius Waita Mwatu as the National Chairman and Edwin Makori as acting CEO.

How can I get Icpak certificate?

Requirements for Registration

  1. A duly filled registration application.
  2. Copies of all KASNEB result notifications.
  3. Copy of KCSE /KCE certificate.
  4. Copy of National ID.
  5. 2 colored passport photos of the applicant.
  6. A cheque of Kshs.3,700 payable to ICPAK.

Where is the spleen and pancreas located?

The pancreas is located behind the stomach, extending from the duodenum to the spleen, while the spleen is located left to the stomach in contact with the tail of the spleen in the left upper part of the abdomen.

Where is the spleen located in the human body?

The spleen is an organ in the upper far left part of the abdomen, to the left of the stomach. The spleen varies in size and shape between people, but it’s commonly fist-shaped, purple, and about 4 inches long. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

Where are the three areas of impression found in the spleen?

Medial surface of the spleen shows three areas of impression. The colic area is the impression of the left colic flexure, the gastric area is the impression of the stomach, and the renal area is the impression of the left kidney. The splenic hilum is found in the central part of this surface.

How many branches are there in the splenic hilum?

The splenic hilum is directed anteromedially and includes splenic artery and six or more branches of the splenic vein. Splenic size changes according to the age and weight.

How big is an accessory spleen in centimeters?

Accessory spleen usually measures 1 cm in diameter, but its size varies from a few milimeters to centimeters. Also the number of accessory spleens can vary from one to six [ 1

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