How do I know if my platy is dying?

How do I know if my platy is dying?

If your Platy drifts close to the bottom or is gasping for air at the surface, it is definitely sick. Loss of appetite can indicate sickness in many cases which ultimately may result in death. If the Platy has cotton-like patches on the skin or fins, that indicates a bacterial infection.

Why is my platy fish on the bottom of the tank?

So, why is your platy not eating and staying at the bottom of the tank? Some common reasons why platies stop eating include unsuitable water conditions, a disease or infection, pregnancy, bullying, and digestive issues.

How long do Mickey Mouse platy fish live?

All Platies are hardy fish but have a relatively short life span. They live about three years; possibly five years if really well cared for. You will easily find the Southern and Variable Platy for sale. The Swordtail however, is very difficult to come by.

Why is my platy swimming funny?

There are a number of reasons they could be displaying this behavior, but the most common is parasites. Gill or skin flukes, a wormlike parasite, may also cause similar erratic swimming behavior but can be harder to spot.

How do you save a dying Platy fish?

There are two types of salt that can be beneficial to fish – Epsom salt and Aquarium salt. Both the salts remove wastes and toxins from the fish body and help it to heal. You can add 1 tablespoon of salt per gallon of water. Then, keep your fish in salt water for 2 to 3 minutes.

Should I remove dying fish from tank?

A dead fish should be removed from its tank immediately after you’ve found out about the incident. This is because when a fish dies it starts to decompose right away, which could foul the water in the aquarium. The polluted water may then kill the other fish in the tank.

Why is my Mickey Mouse platy hiding?

Reasons why platies hide in the tank Hiding spots work as a safe haven for the tropical fish. Whenever something bothers them or they get scared, they will immediately move towards the hiding spot to make sure nothing harms them. These hiding spots can help them when they are stressed or nervous.

What do you feed Mickey Mouse platys?

In nature, this fish feeds on live foods such as insects and worms, as well as vegetation. However, they are not picky and accept virtually any food, including flake, freeze-dried, frozen, and live foods. Live foods, such as brine shrimp, glassworms, and bloodworms, are a good supplement.

Why is my male platy hiding?

Alpha male attitude of other male platies Other male Platies may show hiding behavior due to this bullying attitude of dominant male platies. You can avoid this situation by introducing more females in the tank. You can also separate the dominant bullying Platy from others so that they can move around freely.

Can male platys live together?

I have kept all male platies together (as part of a peaceful community tank) and they do quite well. The only times I’ve seen aggression from them was when there was a female with them. As others have said, individual fish do have individual personalities. There is always that chance.

Should I flush my sick fish?

Flushing them down the toilet while they’re still alive. Leaving them out of water until they suffocate- this is slow and very uncomfortable. Bashing fish in the head with a hammer – you could miss and cause a great deal of pain. Putting fish in the freezer – this is slow and can be painful for fish.

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