How do you say goodbye in different European languages?

How do you say goodbye in different European languages?

However, by looking at a handful of them, you might already recognize the most common “goodbye” in a few languages.

  1. Spanish = Adios.
  2. Italian = Arrivederci.
  3. French = Au Revoir.
  4. Portuguese = Adeus.
  5. German = Auf Wiedersehen.
  6. Japanese = Sayōnara.
  7. Russian = Do svidaniya.
  8. Korean = Annyeong.

How do you say hello in all European languages?

How To Say “Hello” In 40 European Languages

  1. English – Hello in English is Hello – no point repeating that really but figured I might as well start with the obvious! 😉
  2. Ukrainian – Dobriy den.
  3. Spanish – Hola.
  4. French – Bonjour.
  5. Russian – Zdravstvuyte.
  6. Portuguese – Olá
  7. Dutch – Hallo.
  8. Danish – Hej.

How do you say goodbye in 50 languages?

After all, it can be very handy to familiarise yourself with common phrases for different countries, you never know when you might need them!…Learn how to say “Goodbye” in 50 different languages.

Language ‘Goodbye’
French Au Revoir
German Auf Wiedersehen
Greek Yasou
Hawaiian Aloha

How do you say hello and goodbye in different languages?

How to Say Hello & Goodbye in Spanish, French, and 20+ Languages

  1. Spanish: Buenos dias!/Adios!
  2. French: Bonjour!/Au revoir!
  3. Italian: Ciao!/Ciao!
  4. German: Hallo!/ Auf Wiedershen!
  5. Dutch: Hallo!/ Tot ziens!
  6. Japanese: Kon’nichiwa!/Sayonara!
  7. Greek: Geia!/Anito!
  8. Korean: Annyeong!/Jalga!

How do Europeans say good morning?

Buenos días
For Spanish speakers in Europe, you will hear Buenos días to kick off the day, meaning good morning. For the afternoon, those speaking Spanish switch to greeting one another with Buenas tardes. To say good night in Spanish, Buenas noches is appropriate.

How do we say hi in German?

You’ll probably learn guten Morgen (“good morning” in German), guten Tag (good day) and guten Abend (good evening) in your first German lesson….More videos on YouTube.

German English
Hallo Hello
Hi Hi
Guten Tag Hello (lit. Good day)
Guten Morgen Good morning

What is Welsh bye?

Hwyl fawr – Goodbye. Hwyl – bye. Da boch chi – Goodbye (formal) Hywl am nawr – Bye for now. Wela i di wedyn – See you later.

How do you say hello in 25 different languages?

  1. Hello (English)
  2. Ahoj (Czech)
  3. Halo (Indonesian)
  4. Cześć (Polish)
  5. Hej (Danish)
  6. Merhaba (Turkish)
  7. Yassas (Greek)
  8. Ciao (Italian)

How do you say goodbye in sarcastically?

Funny Ways To Say Goodbye

  1. See ya later, alligator!
  2. Fare Thee Well.
  3. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.
  4. Catch you on the flip side!
  5. Don’t get run over!
  6. To the winch, wench!
  7. Long live and prosper!
  8. Catch you on the rebound.

How to say “good bye” in different languages?

Spanish = Adios

  • Italian = Arrivederci
  • French = Au Revoir
  • Portuguese = Adeus
  • German = Auf Wiedersehen
  • Japanese = Sayōnara
  • Russian = Do svidaniya
  • Korean = Annyeong
  • Irish = Slan
  • Dutch = Tot ziens
  • How do you Say Goodbye in various languages?

    Say “goodbye” in Russian. The Russian language, the official language of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , and others, is the 8th most widely spoken language in the world. Although it can be rendered in the Latin alphabet, it is commonly written in Cyrillic . Say “goodbye” in Polish.

    Do you know how to say good-bye in different languages?

    joigin 再見 – pronunciation: JOI-gin. A formal way to say goodbye

  • bāai baai 拜拜 – pronunciation: bai-bai. Used casually to say bye
  • chí dījiàn 遲啲見 – used to say,’see you later’
  • What are the different ways to say goodbye?

    Different ways to say goodbye in english, say bye other ways in english; Have a nice day. Bye bye. Farewell. Take care. Say hello to your family for me. See you later.

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