How much is demurrage charges in India?

How much is demurrage charges in India?

Demurrage charges will be levied from 25.8. 2009 onwards on the cargoes lying beyond 30 days at four times the highest existing demurrage i.e. Rs. 75.00 per tonne per day or part thereof charged under Section 3.1(B) Chapter III of Scale of Rates working to Rs. 300.00 per tonne per day or part thereof.

How much is demurrage in UK?

Essentially, demurrage fees are costs that arise because the shipping lines either want to get their container back for its next voyage as soon as possible or make sure it’s making them money in some other way. It is usually around £40-60 per day after free time.

How is demurrage charges calculated in India?

Demurrage, Detention and Port Charges calculation scenario

  1. Demurrage free days offered by the shipping line = 7 days.
  2. Detention free days offered by the shipping line = 10 days.
  3. Free days at port = 3 days.

What is container free time?

Free time is a given amount of time allotted for such pick up. If containers imported or exported are not properly picked up and removed from a port, a terminal, or anywhere else, they start to accumulate charges much like a car parked in a public location accumulating hourly charges.

How do I stop demurrage?

Tips to Avoid or Reduce Demurrage Charges

  1. Pre-clear your cargo and issue delivery instructions to your inland carrier in advance.
  2. Have a trucker “back-up” plan.
  3. Request extended free time.

Can a detention charge be used for demurrage?

Detention charge is not applicable for Export shipper’s owned containers.  For import cargo, demurrage days are counted from container discharge from the vessel to gate-out full (late pick-up) minus free days.

When do the demurrage charges come into play?

Demurrage charges depend on how much time a container is in port after arrival. If the full container isn’t moved out of the terminal to be unpacked within the free days, demurrage comes into play. For conventional shipping, the free days are often somewhere between 3-5 days after the container has been discharged from the vessel.

When does demurrage start on an export vessel?

Free time is deemed to commence at 00:01 hours from the vessel berth date departure day  For export cargo, demurrage days are counted from gate-in full (early drop-off) to container loading on board vessel minus free time.

Is there free time for outbound demurrage in India?

There is no Rule for Outbound Demurrage in India. Based on Respective Trade Guidance we updated Rule & Tariff to cater system requirements. Free time & Charge*. Charge shall be assessed in U.S. Dollars per container per calendar day including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays beyond expiration of free time.

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