What does SB abbreviation stand for?

What does SB abbreviation stand for?

sb. written abbreviation for somebody or someone. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What is the meaning of SB SB?

Short for snapback, SB is used on social media platform Snapchat for when you want a user to respond back to a snap, or “message.”

What are the 5 types of abbreviation?

There are many different kinds of abbreviations, including acronyms, initialisms, portmanteau, truncations and clipped words.

What is the abbreviation for equipment?

Summary: Equipment Abbreviation There are two common abbreviations of equipment: eqpt. and equip. If you want to it plural, simply add on an “s.” Remember that the word itself implies multiple items making up a set called “equipment” and be careful of context when pluralizing.

Whats does snapback mean?

1 : a football snap. 2 : a sudden rebound or recovery a snapback of prices on the stock exchange. snap back. verb. snapped back; snapping back; snaps back.

What is full name SB?

Antimony is a chemical element with the symbol Sb (from Latin: stibium) and atomic number 51.

What does SB mean in address?

Affectionate term used to address or refer to one’s girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse, etc. The acronym means Before Anything Else. Exemple: I love you, bae. fill sb.

What is linguistic abbreviation?

abbreviation, in communications (especially written), the process or result of representing a word or group of words by a shorter form of the word or phrase.

What are the examples of abbreviation?

Abbreviations and letters

full form written abbreviation
for example e.g. (from the Latin equivalent: exempli gratia)
Gaze Limited Gaze Ltd (Limited refers to a company)
Mister Mr
ounces oz

How do you abbreviate accessories?

There is only one common abbreviation of accessories: accs. The abbreviation, like the word, is already in the plural form.

What is the abbreviation for storage?


Acronym Definition
STGE Storage
STGE Société Tunisienne de Gastro-Entérologie

Why is it called a snapback?

The snapback hat is just one of many types of baseball caps, but this one gets its name from the adjustable strap in the back that snaps together. It was referred to as the Brooklyn-style cap, and is thought to be the precursor of all modern day ball caps.

What does SB stand for in English Dictionary?

sb. written abbreviation for somebody or someone. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What does SB stand for in sports category?

This incentivizes many users to keep the run alive through snapbacks. In the world of sneakers, we should briefly note, the acronym SB is used by Nike for their Nike SB line of shoes, where it’s been short for skateboarding since 2002. In sports talk, SB can also stand for Super Bowl.

What does SB stand for in Metal category?

What does SB mean? antimony, Sb, atomic number 51 (noun) a metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite. see more ».

What does SB stand for in electric fuse?

Acronym Definition SB Slow Blow (type of electric fuse) SB Snapback (brand) SB Should Be SB Subject

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