What happened to Aaron from Lost?

What happened to Aaron from Lost?

Aaron was appointed by God to speak for Moses in public, and it was he who made the speeches that facilitated the Hebrew’s escape from Egypt. He died at the age of 123, 40 years after the Exodus.

Who is Aaron in Lost?

William Blanchette Where is William Blanchette aka Aaron Littleton today? Unfortunately, it seems William did not pursue an acting career following his role as Claire’ son (and Kate’s foster son) on Lost. Today, he would be 14 years old.

Why did Kate have Aaron on Lost?

When she escaped the island though, she found herself carrying Aaron while Claire was left behind. She chose to raise the baby herself, claiming she’d given birth on the island. The guilt of raising someone else’s child eventually convinced her to return to the island to find Claire again.

Who did Kate leave Aaron with in Lost?

mother Carole Littleton
Episode 5-11 Whatever Happened, Happened shows Kate leaving Aaron with Claire’s mother Carole Littleton.

Why did Claire raise Aaron?

He wasn’t trying to get Aaron on the Island, Aaron is of no importance. Claire will play a major role in season 6 and it was Jacob that paid him off. Saying that she had to raise him, calling her for months and out of nowhere paying her to go to L.A. were just mind games.

What did the others do to Claire?

She crashed on to the Island, where she began an inconsistent relationship with fellow survivor Charlie Pace. One of the Others kidnapped her, and she suffered amnesia after the escape. She later gave birth to her son, Aaron Littleton, and did her best to take care of him despite being a reluctant mother.

Why did Emilie de Ravin leave lost?

Although she was best known for her role as Claire, she didn’t want to feel like she was playing the same part over and over again. While Roswell and Lost were very different shows, they were both centered around the paranormal, and de Ravin was looking to get out of her comfort zone in future projects.

How did Danielle get Aaron from Claire in lost?

Danielle stole the infant from Claire and fled into the jungle. Sayid and Charlie began a chase to find Rousseau after Charlie promised Claire that he’d find her son. During this time, Claire told Charlie to Get Aaron back indicating that she had finally named him.

Who is the father of Aaron Littleton in lost?

Aaron was the son of Claire and her ex-boyfriend Thomas. Thomas was initially enthusiastic about having a child with Claire but later panicked and left her, not wanting fatherhood. Aaron was supposed to be adopted by Arlene and Joseph Stewart in Sydney before Claire began to doubt her decision and ultimately had a change of heart.

Where was Aaron Littleton supposed to be adopted?

Aaron was supposed to be adopted by Arlene and Joseph Stewart in Sydney before Claire began to doubt her decision and ultimately had a change of heart. Meanwhile, Claire was told by Richard Malkin, a possibly fraudulent psychic, that danger surrounded her child.

Why did Charlie take Aaron from Claire’s tent?

While dreaming, Charlie took Aaron from Claire’s tent in a bid to baptise him but he was found by Hurley and, despite trying to explain that it was a misunderstanding, Claire slapped him and took Aaron from him.

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